
Soon Blackrock and Vanguard will own EVERYTHING ! !...................Small company made products that have a good reputation for quality get bought out by huge corps. then made as cheap as possible for the same price................Dog food, auto parts, tools, appliances, etc.

I learned all this 17 years ago, but I never knew this man spoke out about this or wrote a book 26 years ago You can get porn for free, but his book is $354.00 on Amazon??????????????????????????????

This is Hold-On but did you find Hold-Up in English? Hold-On is supposedly the second ’episode’.

I couldn’t get past 6 minutes of this video. I am so tired of this shit! These Covid jabs were not experimental. There is no way the Zionist Globalists would allow anything experimental to be such a major part of the takeover. The MRNA vaccines were ready and waiting for the big event to occur. Everyone of these French muppets were fully going along with the Covid-19 agenda. Anyone who believes Covid is real has been deceived.

That’s what I believed prior to seeing this video. But the comments she made, about dying, were before she outed Big Mike as a tranny. Now, I think she was told to to do it, and the entire thing was part of a Free Masonic stunt. They do have their code, that they need to let us know what’s going to happen before they do it. But, it’s obviously her. The voice and quick laugh, are unmistakable.

they still sustain that the risk of a myocarditis or clotting worth it due to the "dangers" of the "virus" and their "evolving" strains.... ho ho ... ;)

hmmm. Looks like it’s her. Back from the dead. Did she fake it all to avoid being u know (wast$%&d) for openly saying Michelle O was a tranny ?? hmmm...

so Florida governor "fall" for this scam, too? shooting hoaxes? i mean ... wasnt he one of the "aware" ones in the states with the C0VID shots/virus deceit ??


The last decade’s science fiction is this decade’s science fact. And only after years of exposure will most sheeple believe it even exists. Most normies know the phones are listening. And the laptop mics. These were featured on the all knowing TV set. But what about all the smart devices with mother boards that have built in mics and speakers? Is my fridge listening in too? How do you know? And how do you know that these things aren’t whispering subliminal messages? You can’t. So, why am I not shocked that there may be some remote electronic transmitting device that can whisper pulsed audio everywhere? Could it be because millions of R&D dollars are spent to create such things? Could it be that there are 17 known agencies that would sell their souls for this capability? If the goal is to control the actions of every single person in the world, then wouldn’t this be a logical step toward that goal? How can you know for sure?

I am not sure if Joan Rivers was 100% Joan Rivers. She had more plastic surgery than Michael Jackson. You know there are 100% Elvis impersonators also. And some of them are women. If it is Jo, then was/is she always really a man? How can you really know? Why would he/she come out of hiding to be spied upon with Clive? All those people there, and they all knew it was the faked dead Joan, and everybody there was just fine about it? All the wait staff, the chauffeurs, the doormen, ... all sworn to secrecy? There should be 1000 phone pictures from 1000 youtube posting wannabe famousers showing her from every angle. I need a few more spotters! Take care.

Thank you, AllTheWorldsAStage. You have done a great job compiling the footage for this staged "attack."

Absolutely. The Nova 6:29 Exhibit is spectacular. Wish I could visit, but I have to wash my hair. BTW that goofball stand-in is not Netanyahu, it doesn’t even look like him, and how pray tell can anyone think that it is.

When you think youre done theres a new one out. I stopped watching at the previous 2 but this one i wanna see.

Read my comment about the reason for these staged shootings on the Perry hoax perfect timing video.

The goal of these staged shootings at schools, malls, churches, etc was to create safe zones. Now with the passing of constitutional carry in many states people think we won one, but this is what they want. It’s all part of the plan to reduce gun ownership. It is a felony to constitution/permitless carry in a safe zone or 1000’ of any school. Which means in a city you wouldn’t be able to carry anywhere without having the gun in a lock box in the trunk.....................once convicted of a felony, you can never own a firearm again.

Here... David Bowie:

Hoax , hoax and hoax .

They certainly make sure to diversity hire their crisis actors.

Denying Jesus is exactly why you all have 1000 ways to survive this evil world. You mentioned Jesus a couple of times and denied His existence. I suggest you read the entire Bible before you make that assumption. Worldy connections and meditations to God knows what, and worshipping yourself is not going to save you. The Bible warns against this as well. There’s a reason true believers in Christ are not investing in crypto and doing that laundry list of precautions. Yes we are careful but we are not fearful. We are assured that Jesus is coming back to correct all that has gone wrong in this world. Vengeance is mine....thats what the Lord said!