
I asked a friend for a critique of this video. She said she didn’t understand what it was about. I explained the significance. It does take some knowledge to "get it". The puzzling question is, how many do and how many don’t, "get it"?

Nice montage, where are all the fake war mongering religious leaders of the day?

Looks like trouble on the horizon? What are they going to do with all these Siborg-Zombies??

That says it all .

Thanks.That helps.I’ve a friend here in Ireland who is interested in scanning.

They are designed to actually do just that. Normally they only ruin you but this one is to kill you. Yes i remember this woman i did publish her at that time.

Uncategorized is the start of this which gives you some ideas. Then the sheer amount of what we are seeing. People shouldnt be coming up with anything. When a huge pile of scans come in the newest scan is at the top. We just shouldn’t be seeing what we are seeing.

I still don’t trust the GUI to be the final answer. The csv database of this scan shows another story. Many more unknowns with much higher power. The GUI is also sometimes 7 seconds behind the actual scan so you gotta stick behind a vaxxed for around 10 seconds for the GUI to show it right but the database has it in there immediately. The bottom line is 1 guy in the middle of a store shouldn’t be having 5 wireless connections scan in. As nefarious as this all is, I think it serves a few goals. It is without a doubt lowering the population but it’s also building the most invasive ad network ever thought out. These guys will become richer once this becomes know and people accept it. In the IT world this is a whole new line of technology.

Something seems really off with the BLE and BT. For sure we know both exist and are being used in all technologies. But the sheer amount of BLEs has me scratching my head. There are just way to many of both frequencies all over. My theory at this moment is that they have both BLE and BT interfaces in them. The BLE for night time and the BT for daytime. When you walk into a hot person it seems they just light up the screen with inputs.

At 6.26 when you stood next to that guy several Uncategorized BT ones with No Label came up! Insane. Great Work. I might just keep an eye on the BT ones and the BLE with no label...loads of those came up while you were around people. I’m impressed.

Those BLE Misculaneous (MISC) ones in this video look promising like the people, BlackPilledHAM ( and the French team seem to think its the BLE ones... just my 2 Cents, I’m not an expert, just passing on what I’ve heard.rnrnIts interesting like you said how WigLe shows their distance from you...but BLE is Low Strength which might be why they show in the -80-90’s...what do you think?rnrnI was wondering if those Apple INC ones might be spoofed ones because I read Networks assign fake ones sometimes for guy on my Bitchute said he tried his iPhone in a Faraday cage and it was giving off 3. I might keep an eye just on the ones with no label just in case.

Do we know if anyone has done a full analysis on the actual clots themselves?


History won’t forget the heroes .

Glad you’re still hanging in there Dr Coleman, stay warm, I’m with you in wondering if we will ever have a real summer. We are not alone.

I can’t believe I have to say this: If I must make choices for my country: then I would vote for the Antichrist over Hillary. And Don over Joey. And anybody but Big Mike. Think about it...what are your choices? There are none. I can’t change the tickets, but I can choose against who would do the most damage. This is what is being set seems obvious to me.

Jason, I don’t know what to read on that screen. How are you dustinguishing vax mac addresses from phones?

I agree with you. However the old saying still holds true regarding this issue , If it quacks like a duck, etc. When a particularly r pervasive pattern is clearly visible, denial takes allot more effort.

This is getting very real. Like a nightmare come true. It leaves me speechless. I knew this was going to be the outcome as the awake had been told and we tried to warm and stop others. For all the people who were Decieved I would have liked to be wrong. This is so sad. I warmed my brother. I told him they were going turn him into a cyborg. He didn’t believe me. The just laughed and said that might be a good thing. No it is not a good thing to no longer be human and have no human rights and supreme court said the patent holder owns you! May Yahusha the true Messiah soon return!!

When it’s too late and they are Dieing! Very Sad Day for Humanity.