
Gee I wonder how this tyrannical murderous bastard knew that ?

She’s pro vaccine and the Government wouldn’t hurt us. I think people listen to their TV and they should have researched. We were all out there screaming.

My heart goes out to her but this is the end result of ignorance. And it’s obviously, not bliss. RIP

That first driver was super hot. That second one didn’t have any strength in any of that stuff. When scanning keep your eyes on the power levels of the stations that scan in. If you see something like a -85 that’s a ways off. They aren’t standing in front of you. If someone is a -65 or lower they are very close to you. Great video!

That’s the cool thing about Wigle is the ability to see the database after the scan and try to make sense of what you saw. On the unknown mac’s you get on your kindle it would be interesting to see if they ever change or are the same mac’s. But wigle gives us insight into the invisible.

Superb video. Thanks for posting.

Okay. While I’m not familar with the wiggle app - I was using an amazon kindle, and yes - do tend to get a lot of unknown MAC addresses...rnrnRight now - from neighbors - I have 3 tvs showing, and then 10 ’unknown mac addresses’...

I start in the most remotest places in South America.... the jungle. Where we start there is nobody. Not 1 single antenna. As we start driving near the indigent people, who don’t have cars, power, digital watches, or the sort, the people start scanning in. And it’s not really about being isolated, it’s about figuring out what exactly we are seeing. So when you have 1 person carrying 1 phone emitting 5 different Mac addresses it’s my job to figure this part out. I really hope everyone will start scanning and getting data in. Every test we can do, isolated or not is value.

She (?) looks like a transgender by the way.

For here in the U.S., perhaps someone who is welcome or can get an invitation onto Amish lands could perform this test.

What a LIAR !

So... I’ve found (from testing) you sometimes have to go really - REALLY remote to get away from devices... and to test properly, one would: a) test with no people around (to make sure no bluetooth addresses were showing up, including cars - cars have mac addresses, etc) b) then take someone you know is non-deathjabbed (i.e., yourself + a friend) - make sure still no mac addresses show up c) then take someone that you know got the deathjab - and then take them to that remote area and test... have you done that? I’ve been meaning to do that - haven’t yet found a totally remote place (just because there are SO many signals) - you really need to get out in the country for that... But from when I did test certain things, a) it seemed cars were giving off mac addresses b) people with apple watches + iPhones, + androids, etc giving off mac addresses c) ipads/laptops/"wearable devices" (i.e., clothing) giving off mac addresses So the above could all be contributing to the addresses... have you been able to isolate specific people in a controlled environment to test that? Thanks!

The Palistinian are the closest to the Jews of the old testament !

This is a truth that needs to be known !

Based upon my research, and personal experience (I am female), circumcision causes vaginal dryness. Great news for pHarma, many drugs to correct this. Vaginal dryness is considered a female problem. LOL Big scare tactic on home births vs hospital births. This is when they started circumcision.

Hi Bro, I don’t know whats worse gas-lighting, this or the Nobel Prize for the mRNA vaccines?

No Probs thanks bro

Aye. I do believe that they were far enough down the pyramid to be considered as, ’useful idiots’. I suspect that we are going to see a lot more.

It’s so obvious, isn’t it? Moslem Brotherhood=Freemasons, B’nai Brith=Freemasons, Grand Orient=Freemasons, Scottish Rite=Freemasons...and countless others=Freemasons. They are all working together. The tunnels exist, btw, all over the middle-east. The question is who made them and how long ago? I suspect hundreds, if not thousands, of years ago. We went on a Nile cruise, on the first flight allowed into Luxor, after the so-called, ’Colour Revolution’. Our guide (who was a Coptic Christian) told us about the tunnels back then - and how Sisi was shipping food out of Egypt through the tunnels.

Yes theres something stirring here in italy about the cops dying. Doctors are baffled! :-)