
I think you are correct! All by by design

I wanted to but it has to be in portrait for the smartphone screenrecord and if I zoom in on the video you can’t see all of the MAC address

I wish you would do these in full screen.

Great, I just saw this vid when I searched mentions German Sarlangue from the French videos

Well said. And I agree. As a young lad growing up in a British West Indian country our neighbors were Persian and Syrian and I heard wonderful story of their culture and country. Getting an opportunity to travel to their part of the world was eye opening. The regime change was the result of the alphabet agencies of London and Langley and the Zionist banking boys. The Marine barracks in Lebanon was exploded by US made explosives. There was an internal report I saw many years ago that was leaked thru an ex DIA officer that mentioned that the Pentagon brass knew about it and said it was collateral damage for a needed war.

If you want to try the screen record with Wigle the app is called AZ Screen Recorder in Google Play, it lets you use your front cam as well

The title was meant to be ironic, but your point still resonates. Murderers and criminals are the ones receiving awards.

Well said. Hezbollah has done an admirable job defending southern Lebanon against attacks by Israel. George Marshall, Truman, and others anticipated what you just described.

I noticed it struggles to find GPS location until I go outside, I don’t think that affects the Bluetooth though. Yes loads of uncategorized came up on the first guy but none around the 2nd....also I think the parking lot acted like a Faraday cage on the 2nd guy..who was not innoculated.rnrnIt’s worth a try anyway, I think it’s hard for most people to understand what we’re experimenting on

...and, I get the feeling that it is us next.

It’s weird, isn’t it (rhetorical question)? When I was a student (in the late 1970s), the Middle East was the playground of the rich, especially beautiful Lebanon. We could book a ticket on the, ’Magic Bus’, to Kabul, in Afghanistan. We had students from Iraq, Persia and Lebanon - all intermingling with each other and us, native, white people. Religion wasn’t an issue. Then it, suddenly, changed with the regime change in Persia, the ’Iran v Iraq’ war (sponsored by our taxes) and the bombing of Lebanon. It has all been down-hill since then. Lebanon, Iraq, Persia, Afghanistan, Syria and Libya have all been reduced to rubble.


All vax are poison! Rabbies,flu,polio,ebola, any vax!!

I suggest he and all that profess to love Israel or rather Israhell as it has now become. Read the books of the Prophets ,In particular, Isiah and my personal favourite Jeremiah . Where they denounce in no uncertain terms the evil and backslidden condition of their country of those days. Before He booted them out of HIS land for all of their sin wickedness and idolatry . Today is NO different ,as they as a people prepare to welcome their fake "messiah" Antichrist

Gee I wonder how this tyrannical murderous bastard knew that ?

She’s pro vaccine and the Government wouldn’t hurt us. I think people listen to their TV and they should have researched. We were all out there screaming.

My heart goes out to her but this is the end result of ignorance. And it’s obviously, not bliss. RIP

That first driver was super hot. That second one didn’t have any strength in any of that stuff. When scanning keep your eyes on the power levels of the stations that scan in. If you see something like a -85 that’s a ways off. They aren’t standing in front of you. If someone is a -65 or lower they are very close to you. Great video!

That’s the cool thing about Wigle is the ability to see the database after the scan and try to make sense of what you saw. On the unknown mac’s you get on your kindle it would be interesting to see if they ever change or are the same mac’s. But wigle gives us insight into the invisible.

Superb video. Thanks for posting.