
Looks like these are images could very well the actual blue tooth devices.

They are lieing to the bone Jews masters of deception

Mainstream media reports on and implies that the only place we’ll see the invaders is in large sanctuary cities. I think, that is also a big part of the psy-op. I agree with Dr. Brooks, they are all over the country. Local, non-sanctuary media is just not reporting on any migrants in their area.

Here is a link to instructions on building a bucket. This is an emp device originally designed to remove the nano filaments we have all been breathing for years with chemtrails. These self assembling fibers would make the perfect network for an OS or similar. If you have never seen Tonys work he may come off a little eccentric. He also has a triangle that can still be found on his old YT channel. Also dont be put off by all the $ adds. He encourages people to build their own. Im not necessarily endosing him and his work, make up your own mind. In search of a possible solution I am putting this out there. PLEASE BE CAREFULL BEFORE USING.

I own prop 30 miles from Canada in Wa state. We keep seeing these Hispanic groups (5-10+) just standing around on the corners in the very early morning hours and then they just kinda disappear. When we see them it looks looks like they just got there and they are lost. Different group every time/morn. Very small town NE corner of the state. Been seeing this since spring 23.

Obviously went to the same school for CRAPPY CRISIS ACTWHORES that graced our screens over the recent decades. Only wish this lying bollocks had been condensed and "polished up "a little . Still, it`s good to see just how much of a con job this deliberate false flag was. Thanks

He’s a POS Dram Queen Grifter!...fuck him!

Looks ok but honestly he needs to run this test with ppl’s permissions and them admitting they’ve been vaccinated Vs a group who says they weren’t vaxxed.

Contempt is a good word. She looks like she is about to blow her top at any moment. Imagine the position she is now in because of his foolish decisions.

Exactly. How do you watch young vaccinated athletes collapsing across the world and think nothing is up?

State sponsored murder, by damnable doctwhores and nursewhores . Exactly. Great take on the greatest crime in history. MASS NON COMPLIANCE is the only way. ( for beginners anyway )

Engineer-mathematician, yet can`t put 2+2 together. Shot his body full of PROVEN deadly chemical cocktails. ALL because of the common cold. CLUELESS ! I have absolutely NO sympathy OR even desire ,to engage with these mind destroyed /soon to be deceased zombies these days. PS WHAT EFFING DISEASE !!!! Can`t help but notice his better half barely restraining her contempt for his ludicrous ILLOGICAL "reasoning"

So he got over his common cold just fine and then went and got the jabs.

Where do you start with people like this? They haven’t even got to page 1.

Slippery as the snakes they are. Hang them all.

Did you do the video song Oh it’s the Mark of the Beast. I love that song. lol your body my choice..

Yes they continue to poison our skies. How can they get away with that? Are people that dumb they cannot see it when the planes completely block out the sun.? They spray us like bugs it almost never stops.if you get a blue sky day be thankful. Morgellions disease is from breathing the poison air. It is am operating system. Nanno robots. One nanno speck been said to have the capacity to hold a Terai bite of info. To shut down the opp system must EMP it in our bodies. Tony Pannetello’s Triagle does this. Fire medic 8. Has videos on how to build and also sells them. Or Tony’s Bucket. For our feet.

He needs the boosters 9,10, and 11 to feel better didn’t he read the blank inserts!?!

These people have believed all their lives that vaccines were good without having proof that they did one bit of good. It’s like they gave all the credit to the jabs and none to their own body immunities.

Brought to you by the Synagogue of Satan...