
Great stuff. Enjoyed every second of that.

Always great content. I didnt know any of that stuff. Reeks like the Patriot act. Reeks like bagels.

Well, I definitely like her better than Donald Trump. She says the shit that he won’t say. And she definitely knows them Other buildings came down the same way. God bless her for at least putting this out there on television where all the sheep can watch. And the other one who says it’s almost unthinkable, is lost and under heavy mind control. Thank you for the video love the channel.

NO pal. People ,including right thinking Jews ,protest , BECAUSE your nation is committing GENOCIDE. And after what your people have endured throughout history, YOU of all people should damn well recognise the FACT. I recommend you spend time in refreshing your memory as to what YOUR Prophets had to say about the evils committed by ancient Israel. How about starting with my favourite , -Jeremiah- His denunciation of the leaders and religious establishment of his day would and should be directed toward Israhell`s satanically inspired Covenment of today.. Even worse is the sycophantic toadying by the clueless gullible "zionist" Evanjellycal wing of the church .And I speak as someone who would define himself as a Zionist. ie someone who simply believes that Christ ( the real one ,and not the imposter that his nation - and the world -is preparing to embrace ) will return to rule from said place.

NO PLANES USED THAT DAY. Jesus told us long ago who these people are….

I asked for a video like this awhile back. Thanks for posting this.

This is how these sick bastards actually think.

I think some of these auditors that go to public buildings and confront police are paid shills to cause chaos, make the real ones look bad to get laws like this passed. Just like payed open carriers walking around with AR 15’s yelling F-the police did to get open carry banned in Commiefornia.

All we can do is pray to God the % tips. People are waking up to who the real wizards are behind the curtains. Tis why the trying to hurry up the censorship. I have faith, I believe they will fail and this time unlike all times in history before they will have nowhere to turn for safe haven.

The most important part of the demolition story which few admit, is that it takes many weeks to wire and prepare large buildings for demolition. When people argued over the "pull-it" comment by jew-boy, I was puzzled when they never mentioned that "pull-it", required many weeks of preparation. Almost as if there was a "pull in case of fire" type switch, labeled "pull-it". Ridiculous.

I pray it’s the art of war! You keep your enemy close r!! But don’t seem like it! ! Love is only truths in this world I’m stick by.

For once partial truth here! Minus the twoo planes planes where used!

That is a deepfake! Mask! Rubber!

AWESOME vid- I did one too and just posted it. Great job!!

Jane Ruby interviewed Mike Adams who claims he did an analysis of the white fibrous clots.

They didn’t do anything to the people. People did this to themselves but trusting what big brother told them.

Rosie is right a little bit but how can she deny the towers didn’t come down the same as the Solomon building(building 7) is crazy. She stated planes hit the towers too.

Haven’t seen you posting and just felt called to check in and see how you’re doing. Would be great to hear from you…

That is a fact that the delusional sheeple will never admit.

It is sickening the control they have over the so called most powerful country in the world. The US military is Israel’s billy club for the rest of the world for whatever they want. And soon to be used against US citizens.