
Hatchi makes a micro chip 4 nanno’s in diameter. Fact check.. Liar Liar !!

I stopped listening to Brian from High Impact Flix &/ Here’s The Deal because of all the frivolous material of late that he has presented, but when he presents good material such as we see here, it is top notch. I wish he would return to doing more stuff like this, and thanks for mirroring it.

Covering their tracks, I see and hear it in every video or audio comercial they present.

Isn’t the privilege the NY Central Park privilege that view that privilege. The power. The girls. The view. Central Park. The prestige. The parties. The girls. The conversations. The view. The bodyguards. The view.

I know so many people who are completely oblivious to this. People i’ve known my whole life. They even got their small children vaxxed. rnI can’t bring myself to even tell them about this. Like.. how do I even start this conversation? rnrnI suspect that some day those "uncategorized" addresses will start to populate a name. rnWe should all keep an eye out for that. rnFor all we know, right now, through these jabbed people... certain types of crypto are being generated through them and their actions for some unknown clandestine group of controller classes.rnHell... this crypto could already be publicly traded and we don’t even know it.

check jboss’s past videos, there’s already one made

I would imagine yes, just search the iPhone apps for Bluetooth scanner... hit sub if you like bro, thanks

No problems, I actually like WigLe WiFi that Jason recommended but I thought this was interesting because Ricardo Delgado is a smart guy. Can you sub me if you like? thanks

It’s like there transmitting an internal coded MAC address or Serial number that is weird

Khazar your time is almost up keep running your mouth

surprise surprise No surprise !The Devil is the God of this world. His minions run the World and answer to him. The desire to sin is in US but we must overcome it. This life is only a test. Free Will is given to us all.. What will we do with it. Don’t waste it. We only have this one chance to get it right. Love the truth walk in love. Treat others as we would want to be treated. Follow the scriptures and commandments. Love our Creator Yahuah. Pray to him seek his holy spirit he will guide us into all truth. Don’t envie the wicked for they have their reward.. Peace and love..

NEWSFLASH…We REAL. Went to prison for telling the truth. That was real. Trying to be patient with these sleepy heads.

Well said my friend. He’s that and a whole lot more.

Wow! Shill or Ultra idiot? The Vaxed are Homo borg geniuses. Their DNA has been changed. Crisper Cass nine. Genetic editing. The Vaxed are no longer. Human. And yes they have forced people to get injected. I have seen several video’s of that being done. The US is different, they know the Americans would rise up if they tried to force it. People in US are armed. How stupid is this Shill

During WWII, a great number of people in Europe who proclaimed themselves to be Jewish, died. Of the remaining who lived, the remaining who fled, and anybody else proclaiming themselves to be Jewish anywhere in the world, they were afforded an opportunity to move and live in an English controlled section of the Middle East now known as Israel. So, what percent of those European and American people who gained sanctuary there had any significant percentage of Semitic blood? This is similar to any culture living with another - take Hawaiians as an example. There is interbreeding many times over centuries. Bibi is mostly Polish. So, if I didn’t agree with his political policies, wouldn’t it be more appropriate to call me Polishphobic or Xenophobic or PsychopathoPhobic? What do Semites have to do with anything? And if I was actually anti-Semitic, then wouldn’t I be Anti-Jesus? Wouldn’t I be anti-Arabic? Anti-Lebanese? Wouldn’t I be anti-Palestinian? Think about it. When someone throws that nasty slur at you...throw it back. No, Jesus was a Semite, I can’t be Anti-semtic, but I am anti-genocide. Anti-war. Anti-BS.

So does anybody know if this can be done with apple/Iphone?

Yea whats any of this got to do with America? How about fixing crime in black communities? Fabulously rich Jewish Celebreties should be low on Americas list but it is always first according to our bribed politicians. Protocols of Zion states BRIBE THE POLITICIANS

Rothschild did to European convert Jews the drop em behind enemy lines strategy . They say you really don’t know what you are capable of until you are dropped behind enemy lines.

How can people have a right to return to somewhere they have never been? Do I have some sort of moral right to go to India and kick out the locals if I convert to Hinduism?

I thought the actual ritual was to abuse yourself on the wall to show submission or is that just Roman propaganda?