
Could someone here make a detailed video in laymen’s terms on what is needed and how to run this scan? I don’t use anything wireless or even own a cell phone.

Yes, as long as the RF detector detects 2.4ghz freqs

You always DONATE words but you can’t donate 50 cents. Shame

This is so sad. Beautiful people have been so deceived. Great video, I’m sorry they took advantage of the poorer communities for sure. I hope and pray our Heavenly Father Yah sends His Son soon. This is getting really ugly.

Would an rf detector pick up that signal?


The chickens will come home to roost.

Like you mentioned before also, the Apple and Microsoft ones show up as not assigned on MAC Look Website....definitely not devices!

Raspberry Pi 3.0. Turn the thing to broadcast a Mac address. Steal an address from a vaxxed or better yet just spoof your own. Then just walk around like a vaxxed until they get better tools as they are scanning. I already got the next steps figured out.

It definitely seems like alot. It seems like a HUGE amount of BT and BLE. Please share.

This horror film is far from over. Compliant people will be identifiable by their transmissions. Others will also be (i.e.; 2-1=1) If you don’t ’shine’ when you are lit up, then obviously you must require ’assistance’. If Jason can find all the normies in the crowd with this simple developer scan trick, think of how easy it would be to have an AI app count all the bodies and find the missing person(s) in the crowd.

I’m not sure what that feature is, JBossman probably knows bro

I think you’re right, it seems a lot ...I get ones showing Microsoft as well. Just send you some, can I share this on my Bitchute?

and in the database it doesn’t show them all as apples either. The database of Wigle is what to trust, not so much the GUI...I think

I think Wigle classifies Apple Inc wrong. All day long it was showing that and there wasn’t enough people for the amount of apple phones. That would be cool to see of you can get your delivery guy.

Anything that pops up BLE I am not counting as I don’t know what exactly it is. There was one last that I scanned 3 different times and there were 4 of the same Mac address all Bluetooth and not BLE. Most of the Apple things I think are false identifying with Apple because most of the BLEs on the data dump don’t say Apple. They are something. I need to get some apple phones and test exactly what they are doing but I am way to poor to be able to afford one. Even if the people all had Apple phones you aren’t gonna pickup this amount of addresses. It’s a cyber storm!

So you think the "Apple Inc" label is spoofed? I was thinking it was just the ones that are totally unctegorized but who knows Yes I see multiple Codes show up as if they are from one person as well. On my food delivery app here it tells you if the driver is vaxxed and I was going to test if a new code pops up as he arrives on his motorbike....would be good if I can find a duel cam screen recorder app

Looks good bro, a lot of those 100% Uncategorized BT ones there I see, I get a few of them around my apartment complex I’m sure those are the cyborgs..... but what are the Uncategorized Apple ones? I get Uncategorized Microsoft ones as well. I will try and send you the CSV later but I’m trying to get a good data dump. Cool tunes

Frances Fox Piven is the Jewish wife of Cloward

Yes I’m aware that christian music is completely controlled by freemasons you can see some of the artists doing the symbolism. One good example of this that I’ve seen is on the mercy me album almost there which is obvious mark of the beast foreshadowing and promoting.