
Absolutely. The other videos I have watched of this the flames engulfed the place and it looks like a pretty big place

I’m not an anti-vaxxer, I just put any poison in my blood stream that they tell me to. Also, I never do research because the pharmaceutical companies, who make billions, say it’s for my protection from vicious diseases.

It seems to me that everyone has been affected to some degree or another. Those who willfully accepted an insertion into their arm were the most badly damaged. They received the concoction but also the experimental self assembling silicon technology. Those of us with constant exposure to the badly damaged are probably transfected with spike proteins by now and are second on the list. And those in remote areas have been breathing in some form of it in geoengineering and they are probably the least affected. In short, all the animals, all the plants, the soil, the water, .... have been altered. And the next logical question is why?

Nobody has looked at Astra Zeneca...and, yet, the death toll , in the UK, seems to be on a par with every other, ’jabbed-up’, country. I am tending to think that the, ’spike protein’, is a red herring...and it is the toxic, lipid, delivery system that’s doing all the damage.

Excellent work Albert!

Yeah ,quite a decent documentary. Sort of lost the plot toward the end with it`s distinct lean to the left -and I speak as an "old" ( in more ways than one ) fashioned socialist. The "woman rabbi " being something of a red ( no pun intended) flag. That aside , what on earth was the obviously FAKE and manufactured "insurrection" doing here ? Sadly a HUGE distraction from the main message.

Anyway, the point I am trying to get to is that most of the UK is jabbed (twice) with Astra Zeneca (which is not mRNA - akin to the jabs in Russia and China - but which is another nefarious concoction) and, ’boosted’, with Pfizer or Moderna.

This is really interesting to me. During the initial, ’roll-out’, phase, I was in France. In Europe, the first, ’vaxeen’, came from Astra Zeneca and it became apparent, relatively quickly, that teenagers (mostly boys) were dying of pericarditis and myocarditis, shortly after being jabbed...and, so, it was banned. During that time, my elderly neighbours told me that they were holding out for the Pfizer...and they did...but, only the once.

I wish that you were right but - sadly, history is re-written at generational intervals, so that none of us (or those to come) will ever know what, really, went before...unless we (they) dig into places or sources that are being ’disappeared’.

Thanks for covering this atrocity. In all these events the evil motherfuckers burn the animals alive and never make any attempts to put out the fires. May they all rot in hell.

Usually any device has some kind of label, even if it just says Apple Inc or Google.... but the next stage needs to be some kind of controlled environment to prove its coming from the out in the countryside away from everything. (it has been done in France)

Yeah, so many women have no symptoms other than the ’LUMP" then go onto the butchery, poisonings and then death.

The politicians won’t stop until they feel our pain.

If only the rest of the population could see what a farce they have made of our society. Money system, beast system, mass hypnosis tv programming, war and theft. Fucking Prison planet under the Joo World Order.

For what it’s worth glad you’re back, thanks for the mini rant, yeah we know.

Sorry I just added a few arrows but it points out the Uncategorized addresses when stood next to those store worker guys

There’s a reason why the Elite want people to have a higher education. Because it means you have a higher degree of indoctrination and are further into the Government Cult. Most educations are longer than they need to be, because a huge part of it is indoctrination.

This scan was way different than the rest. None of the Apple or Microsoft ones were there.. The amount was staggering and their power levels are off the charts. I am not sure if the people are getting stronger connections or if this was the absolutely perfect test.

This looks much better, the best one yet...where did the Apple Inc go.... I think it is the totally unlabelled in this video which is the people. I had a mix and I get the Uncategorized like this I’m sure its them

This looks awesome bro, loads of those totally uncategorized ones (I think its those) Less of those Apple Inc ones which I think might be spoofed from iPhones...a guy using a different software got the Apple Inc ones here: