
No more babies ! No more People !

Get rid of food and starve people !

Glad to have You back ! Watch the Fakeologist .com Matty D !

Filthy Jews and their useful goy ...

Thanks brother.....

Don`t trust this guy as far as I could throw him ( or the majority of the "white coats" ) and he AINT a doctwhore either .

Just as Orwell predicted in his masterpiece 1984. "The Party "being able to change /substitute any narrative that conflicts with the "truth" of the present HE WHO CONTOLS THE PAST CONTROLS THE FUTURE HE WHO CONTROLS THE PRESENT CONTROLS THE PAST Please check out GEOENGINEERING WATCH and their weekly updates

A war against humanity to remove protein from their diet, it is my understanding that these were egg laying hens, the fake medical community is pushing the narrative that eggs are bad for us and cause heart problems, along with the criminals at the WEF, forget about covid injections and all the made up variants.

Dr’s Name right in the very beginning. Don’t know where it took place. I’ve known this for some time. Always good to hear from a whistle blower that was directly involved

This is a Canadian mainstream article from a few years ago. Anyone that denies we are being sprayed, experimented on and trust the government should read this. Of course no one is ever held accountable. -->U.S. secretly tested carcinogen in Western Canada during the Cold War, researcher finds. rnThe Pentagon never told the federal government that it would be spraying a chemical on Winnipeg and two Alberta towns -->

They can do that to anyone. Criminals. Yes, 2+1 and 3 =33. Sneaky. Those psychopaths love that number.

Good find. 100% Fake. Waiting for the manifesto where he supports Hamas, is a fan of Hitler, declares hatred for Jews, calls for the gassing of another 6 gorillion, and declares support for the US Constitution.

No doubt about it , now seeing chemtrails in the skies of old westerns from the 50s and 60s .

Don’t know if this is true or not, but I wouldn’t put it past them.

Seems like 90’s video technology. Who is speaking where and when?

bots are the main driving force on social media

I put this on my youtube account, 25 minutes later a Covid 19 disclaimer showed up, 10 minutes later it was taken down for violating policy

"Once you are awake, you never go back to sleep." Dr. Vernon Coleman

Absolutely. The other videos I have watched of this the flames engulfed the place and it looks like a pretty big place

I’m not an anti-vaxxer, I just put any poison in my blood stream that they tell me to. Also, I never do research because the pharmaceutical companies, who make billions, say it’s for my protection from vicious diseases.