
I was there the night it happened. Not one fucking tear with 300 people in attendance and not ONE fucking Kleenex. WHY YOU ASK? BECAUSE THERE’S NOTHING TO CRY ABOUT. Annabel is the only one that paid the price. Go look at her grave.

Her sarcasm is perfection.

The question is: how do you definitively prove the person in question is Joan Rivers? You chose the word "claims" wisely as that is all they are—claims. A claim, in itself, is not evidence. I understand some people believe that is Joan Rivers. I don’t. The woman’s face, from the front, looks more round to me than does Joan’s, which looks more angular, particularly at the jawbone. The cheekbone on the lady alleged to be JR doesn’t appear to have the same sharpness of definition as JR nor does the visibility of the cheekbone appear to run as far as JR’s does, which runs all the way into the bridge of the nose. JR’s nose is more defined at the tip. The woman alleged to be JR has more space in the eye socket area and more expressive eyes than JR.

I love the last line, “screeching banshee witches”. That made me laugh!

I agree, I really like her videos but for some reason I stopped watching them.

She does great work and has a great sense of humor

No different to the majority of "todays" feminazi hybrids .Man! how I thank God that I enjoyed days of REAL feminine women ,and not these screeching banshee witches

I had no idea that this was going on. It is the same as they did to Dresden Japan or the East End of London (albeit with new and improved technology). Fire bomb - reduce to rubble - then ’clean up’.

I meant to draw attention to the fez...and the ’Shriners’, of whom I know nothing...other than that they are all part of the Masonic circle.

He knows this because he is a member of the Muslim Brotherhood, which is the same as, B’nai Brith (jewish brotherhood) - just a different lodge. All of them come from the Scottish or York rites which, where I come from in Scotland, (which also involves the, Orange Lodge) involve gullible and corruptible business people and bent policemen, scratching each other’s backs without any knowledge of what is going on in those ’upper’ degrees..unless they are inclined to who knows what.

With all due respect, do you have anything to refute these claims? Clive Davis owns them all, and each and every one of their orifices.

sewage would be a much safer, the vaccines are a little more intentional and sophisticated

Its not Joan Rivers

This story just looks fake as f**k, but we also know that it is is really happening. They just don’t know why, but we do.

I think there is still a group of people who write these fires off as natural weather phenomenon or El Nino, but to many of us we know exactly what this is and even the ground and the trees have absorbed all of this aluminum from heavy chemtrail spraying. Climate change is what they want us to believe is the cause for all these unnatural fires, people bad time to solve that problem by reducing/culling the population.

Disgusting beyond words or comprehension

No doubt about it. Great video title also!

I’m probably around the same age as Cooper James and I don’t know how to make and download videos, but I woke up over 15 years ago. I’m very knowledgeable on certain subjects and health so I always try to leave comments that might help.

OMG they are worse than the Shady hook patents.

I don’t have much but made sure to donate last month.