
Would there be a different level of vaccination if someone received the PCR swab up-the-nose nanotechnology versus the actually vaccination injection? Considering how they wanted people to PCR test frequently or prove card vaccination , it seems compelling that they may be equal forms of introduction of their nanotech into the hosts.

I would have hoped the 491,000 excess cases of paralysis associated with the introduction of pulse polio vaccination in India would have been an extremely loud wake up call to the problems of vaccines. “…suggesting that there were an additional 491,000 paralyzed children above our expected numbers for children with NPAFP.”

He should of been a cowboy instead of a sold out country singer. A beer for Toby’s Horses. He Ded!

The scans coming back from the states all look exactly like this. From coast to coast the US is super hot. The worldwide scans appear all the same. Humanity has been lost.

This is so upsetting. It seems like they really took advantage of poorer countries. I’ve seen some of the horrors here in the USA, but nothing like Panama. Please Heavenly Father, send Yahushua, we have no other hope at this point.

I have said for a long time that making fire coming down out of heaven in these final days is an easy task that would fool the majority of sheeple.

Country Music StarToby Keith died yesterday at the ripe old age of 62 (peacefully of course) after being diagnosed with cancer in 2022 Also another Cyborg?

I agree but I guess that that it is all part of the plan...high voice, spectacles and pink or mauve knitted sweaters seems to fool so many people...two generations that I can think of, where fathers and grandfathers wore knitted sweaters. He’s only an agent but he is a psychopath, nonetheless.

…12 And this beast exercised all the authority of the first beast and caused the earth and those who dwell in it to worship the first beast, whose mortal wound had been healed. 13 And the second beast performed great signs to cause even fire from heaven to come down to earth in the presence of the people. - Looks like that to me.

They have to tear it all down to build your prison cells back better.

He has such a whimpy nerdy fruity persona that he doesn’t strike the sheeple as being dangerous, but he is a criminal of the highest order.

Fuckn hurricanes everywhere ..looks looks like maui.. And California..we must eat bugs to end this...dew I mean climate change

Flu..covid..hpv..tetnis..polio... All jabs are poisons !!! Just like all gmo foods !!

Boycott the jews!

Sexy very......

not saying hes not saying anything true but surely he would have been forced to take it

You dis the scan and posted a video recently. Can you tell us how you did it? Very fascinating. Thank you.

How do you do thatt? I would like to scan too if I know how. I can simply use my iPhone to do this? Very fascinating.

0 CO2 means 0 humans and animals. Looks like he will have go as well? C02 is plant food. Yeah this guy is off his rocker. For sure a nut job. Unfortunately you can’t fix stupid. Or is he wanting us all dead?