
As deadly as the pcr swab probably was, I think the injection has all the graphene board computers that convert the human to a cyborg. I think those with different vendors like Pfizer, Astrazenica, ect all build different infrastructures. So really you could have like we see where many networks scan from 1 human. I think people thought different vendors would save them and they got them all. With all the networks in 1 single human, let’s hope Bill and crew get their routing right. You might get 4 sets of ads instead of 1. Brain overflow!

And it’s true we are immune...When fact is fiction...And TV’s reality...From Sunday Bloody Sunday.

My friend, do a bit of research on how many times proton mail has given over user information to the world’s feds. They are absolutely no friend. Their encryption claims are ridiculous. They can see everything and turn your info over to the man. are using the employees of CERN as your email provider. So the team of those unleashing demons through portals is your email provider. There is ZERO safe private email. Just know everyone is, has, and will be reading your email. Encryption is easily broken.

The laugh was insanely over the top.

Unintended consequences by the gullible but not by those pushing the depopulation elixir of health and wellbeing It’s entirely mapped out and intended. Reminds me of a song In The Year 2525, by Zager and Evans, Everything You Think Do And Say Is In The Pills (shots) You Took Today.

I believe Nancy was uncomfortable in this situation.

This influencer has made me sick to the stomach for years. He’s a disgusting, low life, POS.


Yep, either that, or it will be an unintended consequence ! There’s a bit in the bible, where it says something like ppl wanting to die, but death will ’flee from them’, - hmmm

Also, the way you did the picture-in-picture is awesome

Excellent video, as always. I keep hearing the other side claim what we are scanning "is just peoples cell phones". Also PLEASE STOP USING GMAIL! I still use my Gmail, but only for nonimportant stuff. Switch to proton mail. Yes, it does cost $2 a month, but we can’t keep giving the demons all of our research.

I’m sure at some point they will come out with an immortality potion much like the Tree of Life spoken of in the Bible.

People should watch the documentary ’Payload’. I think this could be their scheme. To have these Nano capsules, that can be activated from outside frequencies. The key being these advanced vents in the capsules. So in the next pandemic, they’ll be able to simulate more realistic symptoms from a ’virus’ by activating the payload within the covid-19 vaccines. During covid-19 they had to fake the numbers and pretend that normal illness was caused by a ’virus’, like a sleight of hand move in magic. This time around they have the whole Gaff ready made for the magic trick. Remember 9/11; that was like Siegfried and Roy on a Government budget. Complete with TV special effect CGI planes, and carefully orchestrated demolitions of the towers. Back to the virus hoax I forgot to mention the Bluetooth Low Energy routers, they installed within the vaxxed during covid-19. I can see hundreds of them every time I walk into a supermarket.

Red cross roth shield red shield roth child rothshield...All in one

How do we know that they didn’t activate the jabbed. May be they did just not in the way we were expecting!!

The Art of War San Su. Fight without Fighting. Just get the idiots to kill their own people. Pay them well and tell them they are hero’s.. Oh probably

It is full on war. If people cannot see they blind. Called Starve them into Submission.

To fullfill all that was spoken by the Prophets. We are in the Worst Time that Has Ever Been and the Worst Time that Will Ever Be. The Great Tribulation. Call upon Yahusha and his Son Yahusha while he May be Found! Peace and Love..

2 weeks to flatten the curve . 3 years later. Indefinate Detention.. Humm was that their plan all along?? I think so.. Cry out to Yahuah and his Son Yahusha..

My pet Goat 2 Showed Americans behind barbed wire camps? Google doodle showed froggie with a Sord on one side and a vaccine on the other. Shot or Death. Call on Yahuah and his son Yahusha. Time is Short.