
I was waiting for the Bud Lite banner or even some Toyota logo to pop across the screen with all that carrying on??

Just like the stupid convoys. Waste of time.. We all know what it is going to take to make a difference. Spraying poop and burning tires is not it.

Call it what it is Hollow-Cost

Elvis once said that evil was written in his first name, he also was heavily into the occult, and a follower of Madam ( Helena) Blavatsky and her Theosophical Society.

Gone with the wind

If the order takers flip, it will be over immediately. Hopefully the scum will suffer the same fate as Ceaușescu in Romania

Filthy f*ckers never get enough money from us. And, of course, we can never forget the Holohoax Hucksters suckering everything they can get from everyone.


I hope he doesn’t use a tractor like James Traficant.


God... gold oil drugs is ther god. Satan

Children of the corn Malachi

Why you hit us! Why you attack us! Why you kill christ! I wonder... . Why do people support satan? ? I wonder.....

It was very hard not to Critique this video, but that would have spoiled the content. I suspect that I’m not the only one who was astonished the hear the NYC mayor claim that his hands are tied regarding the illegal invasion because after all, it’s the "Sanctuary law" in New York City. Absolute hypocritical rubbish. H.I.A.S. = Hebrew Immigrant Aid Societyrn More than one hundred years ago, the Jewish community founded HIAS (originally the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society) in New York City, the immigrant gateway to America.

These satanist mf would not last 1 min in the hood they would be smashed like grapes!! s.o.s(smash on site) !

Hugely interesting discussion. At the risk of sounding "conspiratorial "I`m amazed that he`s still above ground level. Also somewhat surprised that he doesn`t buy the reality of our flat plane. Engaging nevertheless, thanks for posting

Sorry to disagree Jason but when the video footage is a million to one with examples depicting the same thing over and over and over ,, at some point people are going to have to get real with ourselves at the cultural differences. I do not recall (except for in the movies) seeing hundreds of videos of ’white" rape gangs.

Polio = The pandemic of DDT poisoning...


Exactly!rn----------------rnBreaking: famous actor, Carl Weathers just died suddenly and was fully vaccinated. He tweeted that he was vaccinated and boosted and still tested positive and got Covid. rnrnRest in peace.rn