
Very nice, and while we are all at it, tell Arnold to go screw himself and all his perceived freedoms, THERE IS NO TOMORROW FOR THOSE WHO BLINDLY TOOK THE VAX.

This is what American Christians in every church coast to coast MUST see

You will love them right up until the point when they stab you in your stupid little head

Low IQ Joe Meathead Rogan type "interview". Not diggin it.. rnThat being said, someone I know, union plumber,, his co hired by gov for a project in Hawaii/Maui 12 or so yrs ago. All deep underground very crazy stuff. He was over there for about 2yrs. The thing he told me that really stuck was talking about the "Birthing centers". He said they were massive rooms, football field size. Hundreds of rows of tables for childbirth each with gadgets/plumbing/02 lines hanging from the walls. He made us leave our phones in the other room b4 he told us all this stuff. And I believed what he said. Was during height of covaids and several years since he was there he chose to tell us about his experience. rn Said while there he saw guys getting fired/replaced every other day and had found that it was a result of them being monitored/talking to much outside the hole.

Reminds me of some of the looney toon charismatic services I`ve witnessed in years gone by.

If only these well meaning but hopelessly gullible "Christian Zionists" actually took the time to read of God`s opinion regarding Israel past and the Israhell of today ,via the Prophets - Jeremiah ,would be a good and relevant place to begin. They may then have a more accurate understanding of this nations present antichrist stance.

Just like many talk show screeners here in the US owned by the Rockefellers, everything in the media is controlled.

He was a FrankenVaxx Pusher, too. We know what killed him

l hate these brainwashed apologists who keep parroting the notion that these invaders are just coming here for a better life, that’s what everyone of them has been told to say, they are bused into this country just as they are bused into New York and every other city in the nation. The United Nations has a duty to work with these Turd World Nations to make life better for them in their own country, but that’s not what this is about, it’s about the destruction of the United States, we need to stop funding the criminals that are out to destroy us, the end of America is eminent.

People start calling these jew talk show hosts like medved,, get past the screener however you can and then start asking these liars tough questions while live on air.

He also starred in a series called "Colony" which has alot of predictive programming in it. The evil murderous organization in the show is also named the "Department of Homeland Security". Imagine that...

The human race... to extinction.

Always liked this actor. Never heard anything bad about him.

I doubt this not !! They will work hard to erase the true past !

Ha! Yes, exactly. I still have to go through this puppet show.

It would have been hilarious if the interviewer guy asked the alleged plumber to replace the P-Trap in his studio bathroom and the guy was like: "I am not going to do that, but what I need to tell you is we need to understand ourselves."

So, this Antarctica plumber knows all about Neutrinos and has a website and talks about this stuff and hasn’t been whacked. I am just not buying this guy.

Can’t find any clip where Biden said we were going to "Earthquake Turkey".. Apparently interviewer called him out on it later in the interview and guy says: "No at all, it just means someone didn’t find the interview yet, or I could just be wrong in that capacity." ... oookayy...

That’s ugly, that’s an evil place to live. It gave me a glimpse of what Yahushua went through when they were jeering Him on His way to be crucified. The people who call themselves Christians in the USA need to wake up. They’ve been so brainwashed that these are Yah’s chosen people, WOW, UNBELIEVABLE !!!!!!!!!!