
He makea great point. He’s on target.

I think she nailed it. They want a revolution so they can use their new toys and implement mart law..

Sadly I believe far too many people have chosen the blue pill.lSome call it glume and doom as if ignoring reality will some how make all the world’s problems go away. If they burry their heads in the sand all will go well with them. My cousin told me that He preferred to be positive. What came across to me was he wanted to remain an idiot. With so many people asleep and chooseing to stay asleep to reality. What hope is their for mankind? I believe our only hope and Salvation is Yahuah’s Son. The Messiah. Yahusha return. Blessings and peace..


Heart attacks at 14 y/o is perfectly normal. She was probably overworking her heart. Maybe she should try to stay at home more to protect her heart.

The one and only, Deborah Tavares. She also predicted the DEW fires back in 2013. Her house was actually in danger from these DEW fires back in 2017-2018.

Obviously schooled at the same crisis acting morons who entertained us during that wonderfully entertaining period prior to SCREW You Tube being bought out by these lying turds

GOOD ONE and true !!!!!!!!!!!!

I’m sorry, but, I’m not going to waste any energy on this. It was obviously a false flag/rigged event - as depicted on the cover of, ’The Economist’, magazine in (I believe) 2012. These people at, ’The Economist’, surely, have crystal balls.

The Kalergi plan in full effect, in the US and Europe

He’s "Fully Dead" now.

My only question is, with todays technology, they must have known this was coming, much like the trucker convoy going to the border in Texas, weeks if not months in advance and yet they allowed this to take place? The world is being prepared for a worldly savior to arrive on the scene, with promises to solve all the world’s problems, nothing ever changes, it’s all a written script.

Matthew 7:6 Give not that which is holy to dogs, neither cast your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you. do not preach before the Synagogue of Satan, it looks like another one of their Jewish slums, they will also turn on America which they regard as a goyim nation!

Also I bet they took babies out of incubators and left them on the cold floor to die.

True Hero. He may have saved millions from horrible deaths. This life is but a test. Looks to me like he is going to get a passing grade

Every one marching for Gaza across the world etc but need to March on capital hill against the funding from USA to Israel! End all funding money laundering to all countries and focus on usa 1st! All political parties need to be fired asap! Especially the satanist ones

I got way better Gear than this. I can dial any state until I get like that last fella and some.

Needs to go to Camera School. My 3 year old does better work lol

I’m still deemed a Tin Foil anti Granny selfish non Team Player but noozz flash wellness begins at Home by what you eat and what abuse you suffer. Ms Janine Small already confessed the pfizer product was never tested for viral spreading or shedding so that sums up the whole Ball Game. Lies upon lies upon lies. ps Iodine is the most lethal substance to pathogens and parasites. I dose 300x the Official RDI and never been sick or ill from anything since 1990. Look it up.

It is not possible for the Talmuds to be Jews or any other tribe of Israel. God never lies. Several times in the OT God speaks of Terminating the whole of Israel including the Levitical priesthood. They all sinned countless times and were forgiven also countless times but enough was enough. First Samaria the 10 Northern tribes were destroyed, note, not punished, but destroyed. Then in 70AD Judea, the Levites and Benjamin were Destroyed. Satan lies, never God. The Talmuds are an Ashkenazi Babylonian Yiddish speaking pagan Cult going way back. Do read their Talmud one day and be shocked as I was. Having sex with kids is pure evil, they make it kosher.