
Yep. Some duping delight right at the very end.

While everyone was getting ready for the superbowl chuck Schumer and friends passed a 95 billion dollar package can’t make this up damn those snakes never sleep

They are now claiming the shooter was an illegal alien. Story keeps changing.


What a LIAR ! Just like His father the liar of liars !

I can’t stand this guy. He’s the creepiest individual playing off of Christians. I have prayed and asked Yah why do so many people attend his seminars I believe the Father showed me that He, Yah, turned these people over to him, because they want Olsteen’s god, the prosperity gospel. That’s who these people are that follow him. This guy is pure evil.

Mega churches=sellout demons.

36 years old = 3 - 6’s 666.

Always script reading, happy camper about not having his 501C3 status taken away.

Good catch. Whoops Busted.

The POS Zionist Fake Pastor Joel Osteen’s, net worth is listed at $180 Million. No actual man of God could have a net worth anywhere near that, because they would give it to the needy. Of COURSE, the fake shooter had a "free Palestine" sticker on her gun and they found anti semitic "writings" in a search. Of course they did. That’s why they ran this hoax. The fucking Jews in Israel are Khazerian Jews. Not a drop of Semitic blood in the SOB’s.

Good God they’re supposed to get better at this shit not worse.

I though it was a she???

OMG! OMG ,that was a painful reunion .How I miss the old YOU TUBE and not the lying crap it has now become . When each day would bring forth brill expose`s on the latest FAKERY and truly AWFUL crisis actwhores such as this buffoon .Wonderful entertainment ! I often wonder if he ever dared show his face in public again.

I honestly could NOT bring myself to listen to all of this lying script reading witch`s "testimony" How the hell can ANYONE believe such drivel .

Seems like somebody mucked up the script. Why would anyone go into a church with the intent of killing and only shoot one person?

MAN!! they really are getting desperate bringing slimeball Olsteens poxy lying pseudo"church" onto the world`s stage . However they certainly can churn out equally FAKE actwhores to walk the boards -. CRAP one`s at that

OHHHHH I DO hope they got that slimeball Olsteen . MAN !!! what a crappy actwhore . These staged events really don`t get any better do they ?. However they couldn`t have chosen a more relevant and FAKE environment than this poxy pseudo "church ".

Yeah the moggie says it all . FAKERY in the highest /lowest degree . What absolute BOLLOCKS . How on earth is ANYONE fooled /taken in by this CRAP ?

As Richard D Hall and UK Critical Thinker showed, this video was shot before the end of the concert so before the ’bomb’ went off. This clearly 100% demonstrates foreknowledge. It’s then shown on the MSM. No questions asked. Absolutely fucking vile, corrupt shite. And Richard D Hall is hauled over the coals for pointing these lies out! What a fucking country I live in.Run by corrupt cunts. Don’t get me started on Starmer. Fucking Blairite Davos puppet. The man has no balls. None. He’s bought and paid for. I wish there was a hell for these vermin to go to, I really do.