
He/She/It is the modern day Hannah Montana attracting and perverting/indoctrinating the young in prep for all the pedophiles.

Where is a complete list of all the traitors, ie dual citizens in the government?

An AR 15 only one dead? 30 round clip. Should have been more like 50 dead. One bullet I would think should go thru multiple people? Humm fishery. Not buying the laughing police official story.

Why does no one talk about the Khazarian Mafia and the history of them all the way up to modern times. Veterans Today has a fabulous in depth report on them by one Preston James Ph D.

Why does no one talk about the illegality of sending aid to nuclear nations especially the one who refuses to sign the non-proliferation treaty. The juuuuus are the n-g-e-rs of the world.

The Jews are a protected group they get away with murder, don’t let humanity stand in your way burn the mother down.

Only after stripping the border protections. Fat lazy ignorant americans will and are getting what they deserve.

He was smiling the Whole time he was talking. He thanked god that they were all ok? I thought people Died?

An interesting situation. Once again showing whatever red flag program they have, it’s a scam. Genesse Moreno had a long rap sheet and mental health history, BUT, she was able to legally buy the AR-15 she used when she opened fire at Lakewood Church.

I believe this girl Nailed it ! Can’t prove it but I believe 5g almost took me out! It has been said that Radiation Poisoning gives c19 simptons. I have never barren so sick on my life. Didn’t know if I would live or die. COVID has never been isolated Theirfor does not exist. I was saying this before I heard anyone else speak of radiation poison ing.. Barry Towers speaks out about. 5g he says it is a military weapon. Equipment to radar 10 min in front of radar You Dead

Yep. Some duping delight right at the very end.

While everyone was getting ready for the superbowl chuck Schumer and friends passed a 95 billion dollar package can’t make this up damn those snakes never sleep

They are now claiming the shooter was an illegal alien. Story keeps changing.


What a LIAR ! Just like His father the liar of liars !

I can’t stand this guy. He’s the creepiest individual playing off of Christians. I have prayed and asked Yah why do so many people attend his seminars I believe the Father showed me that He, Yah, turned these people over to him, because they want Olsteen’s god, the prosperity gospel. That’s who these people are that follow him. This guy is pure evil.

Mega churches=sellout demons.

36 years old = 3 - 6’s 666.

Always script reading, happy camper about not having his 501C3 status taken away.

Good catch. Whoops Busted.