
Thanks - I will pick that up for sure.

She said he had a long pipe.. Guess she ment barrel? If it was security I would think he would have a shorter barrel something consealable? Churches don’t usually have security walking around displaying guns.. Yes sounds fishey to me. Shooter supposed to be a woman? lol. Can’t get their stories straight...

Liar! What video are you watching? Clearly not the one on this page. You hate being called out for your mistake so much so that you double down. Anyone who listens to the video knows you are a liar. She described a man with a gun, how he was aiming it, and how he was standing. And I quoted her already where she said, “evidently that’s where the shots were coming from.” You are a liar.

Yes. Right at the end: Thought of you when I heard him say it. And thanks for compliment.

Do you have the video? Great job finding those crisis actors. Man, are they horrible.

Also saw a video of that chief plugging “strong”. Time to print the shirts

Agreed that not everyone would need to know it’s not real. Problem is, for her to be legit would require evidence of a man shooting at churchgoers and there is no such evidence.

Ha. She said she looked at the entrance and people were scattering and then she describes the “gentleman” shooting at them. She even agrees he was the shooter at 1:50. Not only are you gaslighting but you’re also bad at it and clueless.

Slow it down and pause the video, so you can read all the captions.

Not everyone has to know that it’s not real. Just takes a few sellouts. She seems legit. He stinks to high heaven tho.

Message to the bstrd missed again today fkrs....Norfolk Va......I saw the sign. And it opened up my eyes. I saw the sign. And no ones gonna drag you up to get into the light where you belong. But where do you belong?

What??? She never ever said anything about him shooting. She said “evidently that’s where the shots were coming from.” It’s only a little more than two minutes to rewatch and that part is at the end. Watch again. You are telling a lie,

The gubment uses the acronym GOD to mean Government Ordained Disciples to institute Government Ordered Discipline. Ask me how i know!!!

At this point, I find all this garbage as hilarious to high heaven. They are desperate in their attempts to convince the ignorant public by pulling out all the stops, long gun , trench coat, backpack, child, immigrants, palestine, etc. Certainty no rapid fire audio from this long gun is heard.

Spray and pray

The numbers are fake propaganda used to manipulate the ignorant. Like the 6 million juuuu number.

He/She/It is the modern day Hannah Montana attracting and perverting/indoctrinating the young in prep for all the pedophiles.

Where is a complete list of all the traitors, ie dual citizens in the government?