
Many years ago when I still watched the propaganda box there was a show about what it takes to protect the US president "the most powerful man in the world".......................WHAT A JOKE!!!!!

Another Abbott approved Texas staged HOAX .

A hundred thumbs up.

I am really starting to think seriously that we will not see another selection

Real christ man dont go to church!!! Especially to a false paster church!

Whats that smell??!!??

Id shoot coal olstien 1st!

Divide and conquer shame here

Why? Cause thats what terrorist do! Shoot up churches ! they won’t go kill Bill gates of killary clit or clown schnabs! They must attack mall shoppers! Church goers! Or subway commuters or marathon runners or night club dancers or preschoolers that’s what a real terrorist attacks ! never a corrupted politicians or a cdc fda who worker pushing killer vaxes!.never!!

That’s 1 of the things that came to mind as well.

Yes. They might try to spin this as a QAnon conspiracy kook who had problems with illegal immigration and tried to take revenge.

I think the other video indicated this was as people were entering for the Spanish language service.

Lotta dupes from this talking head and from Joel Osteen, I thought I heard them say this was a Spanish language service?

This is actually what the FBI and DHS has been pushing for and no doubt however this played out, they had a hand in it, and charismatic world evangelist Jole Olsteen is working with the New World Order and likely had a hand in it. I recorded some of this earlier but couldn’t find anything that stands out in the scene I recorded.

Bowl Movement Creepy Uncle Joe !

The Bass-Tard has already destroyed the country, no I’ll will wished is too much or too bad, problem is there will be another to replace him just as bad if not worse, the US is done for.

I pointed out Harris’s obvious pleasure with Biden’s brain freeze.

Nail bitting....Joe told the truth! U.s.i.

I get tired of this elax crap and his feigning Alzheimer’s, I saw a video a long time ago where he talked about potential differences that might come up between himself and Vice President Hair-Ass and he said that he could become sick or fake I’ll health and the Vice President would takeover the duties of President. Has anyone else ever seen or heard of this? I wish I had it to download for posterity’s sake.

Trust the plan! Lol..seems their plan is working! Everyone who pays a tax should rise up create a malitia and oust every treasonous politician and take control of all branches of gov and ban all dual citizenship and jews but as long as monday night football is on it will never happen chemtrails are proof ther are no white knights ..yes a wild dream it is! Oh I forgot hell-o cia fbi etc I know you fags are here cause 153 is hated by you Satanist liars Satan seed will be cast into lake of fire for Gods people are the flames!! So be it!!