
Great find brother!! This along with RDH’s work and also the UK critical thinkers channel and his work on this pantomime are magnificent, and personally spent an incalculable number of man hours on it all (amongst many others)…….bless you OMG, great stuff! Keep up your great work and would hope our paths cross sometime (I’m based in Surrey brother). Peace be unto you and your family my friend

This was absolute gold dust and priceless!! Laughing my head off and bang on the money…….simply brilliant!

isnt it great how the false flags are becoming so inclusive. I mean , If I were a lizard person I would include DEI in my false flag propaganda but far be it from me to try help them be more effective. Lazy lizards went with depopulation instead of being honest about micro nova and cataclysm cycles. mmm I got sidetracked there.

Im really hoping Olsteen puts his foot in his mouth so he aint able to grift as many people over this FF.

As in the days of Noah.

So disgusting. And this creature, who was born a male, is the most well known "woman" in the world. The Illuminati must be howling in delight. That POS Kelcie sold his soul to push the FrankenVaxx, Bud Light, etc.

Right on the money !!!

Surrounded by like-minded Satanists.

Weird I was looking for this video to post a link relating to the Richard D Hall court case, a couple of days ago, I managed to find it and listed it on YouTube, it was taken down immediately. This clown could blow the whole thing wide open, even the most gullible can see he is just a bad actor

Crisis Clown

Miya Shay = My Shit.

loads dropping driving busses, and we are conspiracy theorists for finding that odd.

could be worse he could be suffering from covid right now but he isnt he not suffering at all, hes either 6 foot under of in a little Vas


This clown laughs at his own lies.

Take note of the ’Norfolk’ street sign in the video with the goofy looking gubment agent handler with the fbi glasses and his obviously stupid disguise.

THANKS Dissident7

All done by those in the FBI DHS or their Manchurian candidate patsy’s.

They have used up just about every perp scenario and had to come up with some new twist to capture our interest. A woman................rare.............but wait there’s more..............with a small child yet..............yeah ok!

I’m sure it would be very easy to blackmail Joel Osteen if he didn’t want to go along with the hoax.