
lol she didn’t have a clue did she!

He has the obvious balzac chin.

Awsome piece of work. One does not need the dewey decimal system to know which side of the brain this adheres to.

The current narrative is she is transgender. In all pictures it clearly looks like a woman but the narrative about whether she is a he or a she claiming to be a he is unclear and keeps changing.

“Oh he had to have been.” Hmmm. So in your empty brain that quote equates to them saying they saw someone shooting?!?! ???? I’ve never seen such gas lighting in all of my years. You are beyond moronic. Please oh please reply again to show us more. This is comedy gold! Damn, you’re stupid. rn

OldStein knows how many more suckers will be garnered from all this publicity , dispensing with the usual arduous task of squeezing the last nickel out of widows and poor misguided folk.

lol. Mr. Gaslighter is back.rnrnStarting at 1:49rnrnReporter: “You think he was one of the shootersrnor the shooter?”rnrnCrisis Actress Academy Award Winner: “Oh he had to have been.”rnrnIt appears you suffer from some form of incurable retardation. Maybe printing out the transcript and trying to read it or relearning English, starting with the ABC’s, might help you overcome your apparent comprehension problems.

When the first fake shot is fired, everyone drops down in unison, without anyone saying shots fired, and they start running immediately without anyone looking to see what the sound is or where it’s coming from, all these churches must have mass casualty drills in place just as they would a fire drill?

The LAX dummy is how I finally got my wife to wake up.

Well there you go..............all the evidence one needs. The typical shaky cell phone video with the pop pop pop in the background.

This guy doesn’t even look like a normal human. Something deeply twisted inside.

I sometimes carry a magnet to the supermarket to test the meat. None has been magnetic, thank God. I’m in Ireland. Hopefully the EU hasn’t put in graphene.

Place looks empty! This is all bs! The talmudicjews are at it again

The bad news is? Well in my opinion..This was only faze one. The war has just begun. Keep fighting my friends. Saving lives and soles what could be more worthwhile of our time. Stay in the fight. If or when they kill us that is graduation. We sleep with our fathers till the resurrection. Death is Graduation our work is Done! Much love to you all ! Smiles

Dumb and Dummer ? Wow that man can really Sing. Amazing talent. Sad that he was decieved like most of the World. My Mom and Dad were Murdered by the Doctors. Most of my family have taken the jab and I fear their days are numbered. I would like to call them iddiots but their not. They have just made the wrong chouse a and some bad decisions. I tried to warn them. But they seemed to be under some kind of spell. My daughter looked at me like a deer caught in my headlights. We must seek Yahuah with our whole heart. Or I believe we will be Decieved. The holy spirit is the only one who can show us the truth. The Devil the Father of lies Decieved the Whole World Rev 12.9 They loved not the truth they believed the lie and so they were Dammed.

They certainly have some fine weapons! Must be nice to have the unfair advantage? Evil Men will do evil. Scripture says that we will get our rewards according to our deeds. This might be a good time to cry cry out to Yahuah. He is man’s only hope..Yahusha. Saves !

That didn’t sound like an AR to me. AR’s make big bangs. And why the people Duck right away. Seems to me like it would take more than a second to figure out what was happening?

No worries they probably already working on a solution? Self Driving Busses and cars?

Thanks for keeping me informed! The Main Stream Media doesn’t seem to want us to know what’s really happening!!

“A man shooting at churchgoers.” She never said she saw that so why would we need to see evidence of that for her to be legit??? You have problems with this stuff don’t you? Trouble paying attention and are more focused on fitting things to your own ideas about it.