
Worse yet, these words were spoken nearly 60 years ago. We’ve come a long way since.

Back in the day there was at least an opportunity to make a success of ones life .Not so now

Payouts using tax dollars is a double whammie! Payouts should come from the personal pockets of creators pushers and administrator and promoters! And those who coverd up the dangers! I bet they will stop all jabs then I bet they will listen then! Mfs!

This is extremely saddening. My heart breaks for all those who were Decieved. Most of my children children of 7 got the shot my brother 2 sisters. Cousins Aunt and so many many beautiful people. It is sad beyond words. I believe this crises that we are experiencing is the Rath of Satin which was spoken of in the Bible. The next event will be the Rath of the Creator. His wrath will be poured out without mixture.. We will all soon stand before Yahuah and give Account for how we lived lived or lives! Did we follow his instructions he gave us on his word? Did we study to show ourselves a workman, rightly deviding his word? Or did we follow the lieing deceiving preachers in the counterfeit Religion Churches. The word Church comes from the word Churchie the Goddess of Witchcraft . The whole world seems to be under their spell.

The Wicked will do wickedly and they will no not understand!! Cry out to Yahuah he is the only one who can save!!

Yes Old news! lol They have moved on to bigger bigger and better things. Like Siborgs MAC addresses and direct brain interfaces. They injected a computer into most of man kind. Blue tooth Uncatorgised. Waiting for instructions. And what will that be?

Page came up then I got a WHOOPS from MSN.

Awesome - thanks.

Excellent find!

Burying a "cache" for emergency / survival purposes is a very good idea. I know that many people have adopted this survival strategy here in the U.S. Guns? What guns? Hording Food? What food?

"Two months ago the head of Lakewood Church’s security team, a former FBI agent, conducted an active shooter training."

Yup. We are experiencing ’Empire Collapse’, and ’disappearance of a civilisation’, at the same time. I am thinking about burying things in the woods - although, I am not at all sure that there will be anyone left to find them.

His cup runneth over.

Yes, and meant to be so. Why a thumbs down?

Excellent Bull Shitter!! lol Some. of what he said has a thread of truth. Satalite to skull yes! Tries to discredit flat earth. Too Late I already know the truth! Definately a Disinfo Agent. Or a total nut job. He needs to research flat Earth before he can have an opinion. Earth quake machines haarp yes

PS Just for once , you hope that it were true .

This manufactured crap is becoming SO tedious. At least the fake "bombings /shootings" from the pre covidiocy era were entertaining and at times hilarious.


You could run a nation`s energy on this slimeballs oily character. As to his "god"- satan-. I`m sure he`ll receive a "warm" welcome when he arrives

Look at who funds GB News, OMG. Nothing goes, ’mainstream’, without a reason. I reckon that you are right regarding Charlie-boy and his, ’cancer scare’. He was the first out of the traps with the, ’Covaids’, and the, ’Great Reset’. Now, he is sending healthy men to have a fraudulent ’test’...and, ’miraculous’ cure. It is impossible for me (or us) to perceive or comprehend the depth of the evil involved in all of this.