
Wow if look up stars who died a lot! hundreds in the last 1year all from jab its obvious once you hear how they died or when they got sick n died! Wow thats all the proof the sheeple need to know cause they love tv ! I used duck duck go all that pops up is stars death storys so many I just found out wow..the powers that be hate us all even ther own blood suckers

That Google search is in eu? Not usa? You dont use google I just check with this here usa

Yea and hang ther clones toooo! Any one who smells like them guilty!! Hangm high!! Dont the old testament so go kill them, their children,ther cattle,etc while iam sure they all have clones probably many! We must get them all llll!!!!! , all!

If the powers are following Pikes Plan . WW3 was to start in the Middle East. Judisum Vs Islam. Destroying Both Christianity and Islam at the same time. The dissolutioned masses would turn to the light of Lucifer..This Whole Middle East Mess. May be just following the plan? Set up for number 3. To have a war and have the people support it. There must be much hate and anger.

Crazy thought here hear me out ... We are a energy our soul last forever so what if the spinners see a realm that is 4d or 5d that is planted by the jab cause its smart dust etc nanobots etc graphene oxide and when they freak out and spin ther hearts fail them as written in bible mens hearts will fail them cause fear- of what they see flyin around them death, demons, so they have a heart attack and die with no God no love cause with fear ther is no God or love! And when dead they admit a b.t. signal and they are trapped by that Mark of the beast signal, vision etc for eternity sufferings cause thy seed clay being mixed with metal cause from having taken the jab mingle seeds metal clay that would suk totally!! Trapped in a matrix of what ever they wanna play like a reality hellish video game wow...! You never know..... We have to ask ourselves something is alive in our dead bodys sendin and or receiving a signal mite be for a reason ?.. they say claim they can down load your mind to a cloud and you can live for ever satans is in the clouds trying play god as we know he pretended to be god so we end up with him in his matrix hell? ...go figure we have love_God ,Christ we end up in heaven if we have that to the end hold out till the end keeps his name we go to heaven yes, so what if we have not God but Satan -fear,hate etc,we end up in hell forever! only heaven or hell at the end thats afact . Wow crazy thought of is it.... We will find out truth one day no doubt!! Truth will set us freeeee!

Marc stevens is a shill sorry I can hear an see Wright thru him! go find one video of him tell really who did 9111 or really who runs the world ! he teaches nothing here !! Look over there but not here trick! He is fake controlled op don’t follow this guy!!! Cant say you werent warned!! Who really did 911 marc? Was there a plane? Who really controls the world? ? He dont speak about amalek or askanazis or seed of Cain the fake juz etc cause he cant!!...I wonder why.......cause he is bs thats why!! Lol yes guns are a problem Marc there arent enough we need more publicly as 2nd amendment says the right to carry self defense

This speaker is spittin some truth mixed with lies 711 ther was no planess earth is flat he is only tell us what is already known he dont say who is running the gov or mention ju or Satanist he only says gov mafia liars blah blah blah..he seems control opp. .. Point out one thing he tought you here beside him mixing lie with truth he mentions nothing nada he is a fake Alex jones hes bs..

ha ha ha

i dont trust GB NEWS, as of late boris johnson was going to be joining it, what does that say.

jbossman008 ) - I have been circulating lots of vids about john, i dont have an email, not looked for one. just posted a conversation i had with a truther friend, we are both suspicious about this GB NEWS VIDEO, is john watt a real truther or a shill, we dont know, he was always on the famous big stage that was set up in London, and all that went on it are people are are now being called out as being shills, no harassment from the police, yet when real truthers protest the BBC in Manchester they come down heavy, odd that isnt it, it suspicious, some of keep a very open mind, i may do a video of all of john watts vids that i have to give an idea of what he’s been saying and where. but as you say, does he know about the mac addresses now in the body, i dont think so, hes still sounds clueless to me, what can we expect, he’s vaxxed.

CONVERSATION WITH A FRIEND SHORTLY AFTER FINDING OUT ABOUT THIS CIRCULATING VIDEO. FRIENDS MESSAGE.rnrnYou need people that know exactly what’s going on to be asking him those questions. Not normies that have since been injured by the vax and now want answers.rnrnI could’ve tied him up in knots with the questions I’d ask.rnrn- Why was a vaccine program initiated for a flu-like respiratory virus with a near 99% survival ratern- Why does the vaccine turn the body into a spike protein factoryrn- Why is CRISPR Gene drive used in these injections?rn- Why were people threatened and lost jobs over the jabs?rn- Why is the injection still being administered despite the number of deaths and adverse reactions etc etcrnrnOH MY GOD’S REPLYrnrnive got a bit of suspicion in me to be honest, how has vaxx damaged john watt managed to get on that stage when GB NEWS would of vetted him prior, he’s all over the net, oddly he’s been allowed on the big famous stage talking about vaxx damage and covid and lockdowns, with all the other people who everyone else are beginning to figure out or say they are working for the other side, on the dark side, straight away in my mind i have a glitch of suspicion.rnrnFRIENDS REPLYrnrnThe question was asked about support for the injured, Nothing about the agenda, So GB News can say they’ve covered it and normies will think they are listening lol.rnrnOH MY GOD’S REPLYrnrnye its like john watt is still playing along with the game, surely by now john watt would of woken up about the massive new world order global reset, what he asked was minor to what he should of thrown out on GB NEWS, in my eyes he has failed, or is it that way because hes on the dark side as well, sadly some of us dare to call out some so called truthers.rnrnFRIENDS REPLYrnrnTruthers are mostly retards

Ephesians 6:12 in the Geneva bible says 12 (13) For we wrestle not against (♣) flesh and (g) blood, but against (*) (h) principalities, against powers, and against the worldly governors, the princes of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness, which are in the high places.rnrn

did you notice how his face expressed deep compassion as he shared of this horrific event?

I thought it sounded more like a .22 Those prayer palaces are acoustically engineered to carry sound. A .223/5.56 round would not be questionable as to being a gunshot, even if it happened in the adjoining hallway, I would think.

ACCURATE! This must be watched at least once every year as a refresher.

Good Video ! I have seen others about the test swab. The Nilon tubes are hollow. They contain contain DARPA hydrogel. The fibers break off and deliver their payload. They Want it in our brains that’s why they jamm it all the way to the brain stem. The stuff I believe can go thru the Creaform plate. It is poris so the hydrogel can access the brain. Also in other videos their was little spects on the swab These are thuro grippers they also carry a pay load. The black worm creature feature was a Morgellons fiber. Hope this helps. Morgellions I believe is an operating system. Must be EMP to destroy. See Tony Canapello EMP Triangle. Also Fire Medic 8 for more info

These shooting hoaxes, are actually run as a whole industry today in the US. They tour the country from city to city, and bring millions in from donations during each event. So yeah, these hoaxes have become quite the business case.

Worse yet, these words were spoken nearly 60 years ago. We’ve come a long way since.

Back in the day there was at least an opportunity to make a success of ones life .Not so now

Payouts using tax dollars is a double whammie! Payouts should come from the personal pockets of creators pushers and administrator and promoters! And those who coverd up the dangers! I bet they will stop all jabs then I bet they will listen then! Mfs!