
posted BG checks on 153 telegram

lol.... it is called "menstrual equity" - I shit you not.. there was a Menstrual Equity rally at the state capitol in Wisconsin.. Russia is great.... and the word Nazi is mis-used massively

this kid was shot?? With what?? A BB gun??

We have had our first Wave attack. They suckseeded in getting most the world.Now it looks to me like they can take the Vaxed out by activating the capsulated toxins whenever they like. Creating the next Wave of Death and Worse Lockdowns. I fear things will only get worse. They planned out this Geneside Briliantly. If only people could wake to the truth and stop this madness

Harvey Levin from TMZ, nothing Jewish sounding about that POS.

It’s not really lying son, it’s just make believe, besides we get money.

Why aren’t they interviewing the wife? She seems to know a hell of a lot more than this asshat.

If someone got hurt from their fake event they should get in to trouble !

True So True !


Warning graphic! View discretion advise 18+

Liar Liar Pants on fire !

Must be a Kevlar backpack. I’ll take things that never happened for $500, Alex.rn

LOL - awesome find. I picked up a couple more of his interviews, man this is so fake.

Warning sad images very graphic site 18+

More unbelievable Magic, like The Sandy Hook Magic Bathroom.

Spot on. lol

She may not be a believer in God, but she sure is a believer in donuts. If she wasn’t so fat the fake bullet would have missed her by a couple feet.

They fked up the oldstein shooting so bad they had to make a quick recovery with this one. I proved they have a 48 hour response time when triggered by proxy. It scared the living shit out of the clowns at General Dynamics NASSCO.

I received mandatory CPR training every year for the past 38 years to maintain qualifications. That is the most fraudulent chest compressions i have ever seen.