
And he is still Alive? Humm

Today 2/15/24 Stacy GravesTalked About ACTORS That Perpatrated THE FAKE SHIT SHOW. Homegrown Terrorism by the FBI DHS and the CIA.

The POS Kelcie wants a ban on "assault weapons" and about Biden "I think he’s doing a good job so far," he said. "He’s trying to bring people together and find solutions to the challenges we face as a country."

Correct. Thank you.

That’s a dummy they are carrying.

FBI just happened to be there lol.FBI would not be needed for a little ass parade.

Hoax not a false flag.

Shills mention all the fire power that is readily available and particularly conceal carry and open carry means weapons can come closer. So what do you think that really means.

Exactly, leading the witness.

Gun Stores, besides you, they are also the target.

They are carrying the LAX TSA officer dummy.

Yes, I agree, of course there’s a big NASA logo right in the middle of bullshit!! They can’t stop pushing the propaganda on the sheep. Space is fake and gay and so was the shooting.!!! This is why you should never give money to the national rifle Association or any of these other associations, they don’t even look into this stuff. They just believe everything the cops tell them or they are in on it. Thank you for the video.

looks like he was suffering from a fit? I know the symptoms well, have a brother who used to suffer them regular until he got medicated

seems weird that so many people are taking a medication for something not yet even proved in a single court? To be charged with any Health crimes , proof of the disease must be provided to the judge otherwise it’s a false charge. Courts all over the world have thrown out millions of false covid charges because covid cannot be proved to exist under the Koch Postulates , a global medical standard for over 100 years

Mrs Harari did say recently that AI and Robots have made most people alive 2day useless eaters, I’m guessing Mrs Harari is also one??

Great find!! Your are a you truly dangerous goy. Thank you for the video, and I love the channel.

like in all mass serial events only the lower ranks will be locked away after 10 year trials. The Suits behind this satanic evil will just mastermind the next Killing Fields for even Greater rewards.

There is no covid , there neve was, it was all Hollywood BS designed to dump fear and terror into the mass , apart from the Syringe Agents making 100’s of Billions from this Operation which was 100% funded by the Taxpayers, Big Harma also stands to earn further trillions from all the harms and damage to millions of people , the only way I can honestly say this is that there is no Money in Healthy people, just the sick and dying , wars are the same Game, but a much bigger earner than the sickness Game

Those who suffer colds and flu’s just need to tweak their diets

no blood dripping at all, wounded by what from what