
Yup, CooperJames4570 is right. This reminds me of the Boston Marathon fake bombing. One woman walked around with a pocketbook filled with fake blood and a spout you could see leaving fake blood all over the place. with a I lived in the Boston area for over 60 years, and did "on the ground" research. Pretty much nobody, knows more about that hoax than I do. That includes our departed Peekay.

My consolation is that all the times I might have thought I wasn’t doing anything with my life. I’m not a politician. I’m not an actor. I’m not a football player. I’m not a transgender MTF mega pop star pretending to have a relationship with a fruitcake loser football player...I am not a nasa scientist, I don’t have a talk show... NOw I feel as if all the choices I’ve made weren’t as bad as I thought! Plus, even if God or divine providence doesn’t kill them these evil things always get killed by their own. Didn’t these people see Harry Potter when voldemort smites his most loyal follower simply because things weren’t going well and he was frustrated.


You and Barry Soetoro.

Seems like I’ve seen a website somewhere that pretty much advertises crisis actors for events like this. As someone pointed out with the Joel O’stein nonsense, many of the crisis actors came from far away. Here at the super bowl it might make sense but at the church? And seems I heard that all the "victims’ " families in Sandy Hook moves away after the event and were only there a short while before the event. Where DO these sell-outs come from!? There seems to be no shortage of them. I wonder if it’s lucrative or just chump change. I guess if you get a go-fund-me page set up prior to the event and ready-to-go for donations it can be pretty lucrative.

Same type of blood packs? used in Boston Bombing hoax, peoples are accustomed to seeing blood in Hollywood movies, and they are the target.

Casting director f’d up. Or, like the space station anomolies and parents that can’t shed tears for their dead children, creates that cognitive dissonance and sinks the viewer deeper and deeper into trance. "Sleep. Sleep. I’m going to count down to one and when I say one you’ll wake up and be a beautiful Transgender pop singer named Taylor Swift. You’ll have a fruit cake sell-out make-believe boyfriend that plays powder-puff football for a cult of flaming fag masonic sell-outs...

That voodoo at one minute is pretty big! Trannylicious? Are you LAUGHING at the whole in the pants. Greta is busy so I’ll say it, "HOW DARE YOU!" People are dying. Not just from shooting hoaxes but CLIMATE CHANGE!!! The climate is changing, which also, by the way, has created holes in many peoples pants. Like the girl said. Ain’t that a hole in the head.

Fake blood and false flags actors, shaki camera and a lot of noise, one two three and action

I wonder if the script writers will break-up the relationship between Tranny Taylor and Travis twit Kelce Grammer. I’ve never been so happy as now to think how I had the where-withall to never join a gang, cult, society, military, group, coven, church, gay nightclub, ... and there’s me thinking, there must be something wrong with me. I don’t "belong" to anything. The quickest road to a meaningless existence of hive-mind stupidity is becoming "part" of something. Immediately your will is no longer your own. What’s the point! Isn’t THAT the point! Freewill! Like the Rush song. Except Rush turned out to be a bunch of Vax-pushing fags so glad I can say I’m not a Rush "fan" but did listen to a couple of their songs, one being "freewill". Anyway, as much as the face muzzle and the vaxx may be part of the mark of the beast, methinks the big one is coming. The Vatican is telling everyone to worship Lucifer and prepare for his coming and the Occupiers of Palestine have gotten rid of the Palestinians in this hoax/charade/who-knows-what and the Voodoo-sodomites are continuing the re-writing of history with lies; I guess Mary Queen of Scots was now a voodoo whore and was never a white woman. In fact, the voodoos have always been in Ireland and Spider-Man is a voodoo. Then we have Juneteemf to celebrate when the voodoos and jesuits and masons and zionists first got together and had a mass sodomy celebration-ritual. My family won’t be celebrating that. In fact, we are anathema because we don’t even celebrate the fraud of that fake death on the balcony in Memphis. (thanks to RV for pointing out THAT one.) If that link works you can watch the vatican sing praises to lucifer. I had to turn the volume down because I feared Lucifer might actually make an appearance.

Kansas City, here I come. They got some pretty little trannies there and I’m-a-gonna get me one.

nice one Jason will share over on my other channel bitchute

See the juuuu sign at 0:11. Schindler shit so you would subconsciously register with schindlers list garbage.

That’s hilarious. No fingers and no forearm shape at all. Truth of the situation is that is most certainly representative of the level of absurdity and stupidity within the federal government now. I can bare witness to it.

cant view

I posted a few hours ago previous knowledge by google on 153 telegram channel.

I believe it has been said the spikes are Damaged Red Blood Cells?

You be right!! Agree you are correct !

And he is still Alive? Humm

Today 2/15/24 Stacy GravesTalked About ACTORS That Perpatrated THE FAKE SHIT SHOW. Homegrown Terrorism by the FBI DHS and the CIA.