
Strange-looking creature in studio: "Where are your wife and children now, mister Gooch?" Nervous-Liar Mr. Gooch: My wife is sitting right next to me and my daughter is in kids are in bed. Strange-looking creature in studio: "So, what kind of wounds did they sustain?" Nervous-Liar Mr. Gooch: Um, my daughter...Not my daughter DIDN’T get shot. (Looks up, trying to remember) My SON got shot and my wife got shot. She got shot in her, it went straight she’s, she’s fine. My son is left with a bullet in his foot and (looking up at the ceiling trying to remember) I got shot directly in the ankle and broke a couple metatarsal bones in the foot. (or did he say, "metatarfle?) Remember Wayne’s World when he’s at the gas station asking directions and he says, "can’t we do better than this!" and goes pushes the actor away and goes off-screen and grabs Charleton Heston to read the lines. That’s what the creepy-looking dude in the studio seems like he wanted to do. Like, can’t we do better than this!

You’ve got to find out if he was released early because of this BS. He has 2 arrests for domestic violence with harm to the family. Need to check the sentencing but my IP doesn’t work... Can’t do this research

They can use Hollywood moulage to make anything appear to be real. Does anyone remember Allison Parker showing off moulage on her and her partner before she was allegedly killed and disappeared from the world stage.

Cut the crap! Any fide EMT or medical professional not paid to say otherwise could easily debunk this.

Wow, that’s are reaction of a mother who’s son was shot? If it were real you would at least expect tears of joy, that he escaped death with his mother cradling him in her arms, she is far too composed, it’s her 15 seconds of fame.

Their incompetence is directly proportional to their idiotic affirmative action placements. Their brains are not wired for intelligence or analytical thinking. They were engineered to work in the fields, biological enhancing of muscles and skeletons to work, not to think.

His supposed wife is as big as a 2 story house. Her shadow should encompass a major section of that back wall. Their incompetence does not surprise me at all. I was on the inside until white replacement hit home. Their incompetence is directly proportional to their idiotic affirmative action placements.

I believe real kids were shot in the legs with rock salt shot out of paint guns at Parkland. One of the teachers in a interview said she was very familiar with firearms and saw a cop shooting a very strange looking rifle.

Watch this video on Jewtube and then read the comments is truly sickening. I’m sure there are paid trolls leaving comments, but too many folks buying this laughable BS.

The only thing I could think of to say is UN F**KING BELIEVEABLE!!!...............And Cooper James is right, the ones that can’t be bribed can be blackmailed.

So the show must go on. Why did they want the guns so bad? Is it because it’s all that stands between them and total victory. When the guns go so go the purple?

No nothings going on.........................LOVE IT!!!

Wow I was going to comment that they used left over fake blood from Boston. Then I read the comments below guys beat me to that.

Reminds me of the Vegas shooting hoax.

Nice work! It’s a little freekey to be surrounded by si borgs . And what are they going to make them do? This can’t be good..

I think he is on to something! They b seem to be putting the blame off saying they were just following the science. People trying to give Drump a fee pass saying he didn’t know. Really? Not buying that but fear many will fall for the lie.

It was said that people in rural India were getting sick so they tore down 5g towers. Also in Woohan.. 5g according to Berry Powers is a military weapon. Effects the electron on oxygen molecule where the hemoglobin in the blood cannot pick up the O2. Also some say 5g is equivalent to radar. Radiation Poisoning .. Some say gives COVID symptoms . COVID is radiation poisoning?

Why are they called the Walking Dead? Humm

The TV series called the Walking Dead. It Was a scary show. Was it perdictive programming. Showcasing the future? Why have they been preparing police and military for a Zombi Appoc. I have been pondering this for some time now.

Found out at the hospital that their son had a billet in his foot. What??? Yeah, that makes sense. And they don’t plan to remove the billet. What????? Yeah, that makes sense.