
They just aint bothering to try anymore. How can ANYONE believe tis inane bollocks

I can’t stop laughing at that shitstick. Probably offered him 40 acres and a mule and he took the bait. Where is his wife’s shadow who is supposedly sitting right beside him.

Correction, his butt buddies. Emasculated puppet can not stop fiddling with his facial hair because subconsciously he is thinking about his buddies saying it just doesn’t feel right without any hair around it. Sigmund Freud 101.

Probably got him from Leavenworth and got time off for participating in the hoax like they did with Cowboy Carlos Arrendondo who got let off the hook after setting a military van on fire after they came to inform him of his son’s death killed in action overseas.

So pathetic. If this were real, the people that were shot would still be in shock, not doing interviews.

Love how the number of injured keeps rising. Originally it was 10, now it’s up to 22. 800 law enforcement and of coarse the FBI were present. I’m sure CNN was there ready to go too. This Austin fellow needs several good swift kicks to the ball sac.

Someone else mentioned that to me on Gab, I’m not too sure about that. Check out this clip. Around timestamp :22 isn’t that the same girl they show slumped over the shoulder of that guy? Looks like it. I think it was just a crisis actor playing her part:

That’s so funny. He’s trying desperately to get people involved in the hoax and they could give a fuck. How many times did he says "Guys" and "somethings going on" and someone from the crowd says, "No, nothing’s going on!" That gives me hope in humanity. The dude wan’t having his bullshit. "No. Nothings going on."

confusion and conflicting information is one of their greatest tools. You see it on the space station all the time. People floating but the food they’re eating and the glass of water sitting calmly on the table. It’s a huge part of engineering the human mind to be a rancid steaming bowl of moldy oatmeal. Already with the multiple genders and big men fighting ufc against girls. Putting MTF trannies in women’s prisons where they can rape. Cutting off children’s penises.

The scariest information coming through was that there were 800 law enforcement on site! "Because of two bad actors!" Mockery. They’re shoving it in your face. Oh, it IS an act of terrorism you sell-out pieces of shit.

I noticed that during the muzzle-wearing madness. I got thrown out of a gun show because I wouldn’t muzzle. All these frauds that cry, "you’ll have to take my gun from my cold dead hand." In line all the conversations were talking as if the pandemic was real. So, they could have a machine gun, a bazooka, a RPG launcher, a B-52 bomber. If satan already has their mind and soul it won’t do any good for the rest of we remnants of humanity.

They love sticking the white female with the voodoo male. It’s a theme. An agenda one might say.

"We spread love in Kansas City." Isn’t Lucifer supposed to come in the name of LOVE. So here’s a lying whore pushing "love". That’s a theme in the rainbow-sodomite community. Love. Inclusion. Acceptance. Diversity. You can’t shit on my dinner plate and call it food! You can’t diversify my pasta, include shit in my beans. I can’t accept vomit in my cereal. Those ideas, in and of themselves are wrong. Inclusion and diversity and love, no, you need to quality those statements and this bitches idea of love jives with satan’s definition. TRUTH is foremost. Homosexuality is FALSE. Spiritually and physiologically and societally it is a false belief. Love. Didn’t that bitch Bono sing about In the Name of Love for that fraud that DIDN’T die on the balcony in Memphis.

Even the guy on the golf cart that’s part of the hoax is looking a bit shocked. He voiced his concern with the director who said, "the blatant stupidity of the entire event IS the psyop. These creatures won’t admit TRUTH when they’re told to accept lies and so they’ll sink, deeper, deeper, deeper and so by the time the next round of vaccines come around they’ll be rushing to be first in line.

Yeah. And so all the fires we have aren’t started and/or facilitated by our fire departments because they’re too honorable and put their lives in danger for our safety. Shit! At the Nevada/California border a few years ago I knew these fuckers were part of it. And two firefighters at an antique store right around that time were speaking German. Why the fuck are there German firefighters...oh, that’s right! All roads lead to Bavaria. Hitler, Klaus Schwab, Kissinger, the Munich "hostage" b.s. with the "israelis" yes. Bavaria.

Oh, you’re SOOO right lady! These "people" are LITERALLY scared for their lives. It’s gotta be some neurolinguistics or trance hypno crap. Because they constantly state as fact things that are blatantly UN-TRUE. Like the ubiquitous "be prepared for gruesome images. Sensitive people might not want to watch" and there’s NEVER and sensitive images!!!!! There’s some police tape, a cop eating a donut, a couple students walking down the street smiling. A dog taking a shit. A housewife watering the lawn. But people hear the "gruesome images" and that’s what they believe. "These aren’t the droids you’re looking for!"

Yep. Clear parallels to Boston bombing hoax.

And did I see Mrs. Klaus there! What the hell is Mrs. Klaus doing in Kansas City. That Tramp.

Peekay died?

Boy the lipstick on the one skinny "daughter". It must be in honor of trannylicious Taylor Swiftest. I’m guessing one of the reasons for the Taylor psyop was to get young "girls" and trannies to come to the game.