
Yup I. Caught that too. Not going to take the bullet out of his foot. lol How much more on your face can it get..

Was he diagnosed BEFORE Gates’ final solution? I figure they probably kill people with cancer and maybe he said the wrong thing.

Wait! You mean he’s NOT going to make America great again?

Will do asap.

What happened to crisis actor’s guild. Remember the golden age of crisis acting. Robby Parker! How about the 9/11 off-duty Fox reports that told us within moments of the collapse that the fuel in the plan had burned it all up.

They had a guy in high school once, shot through the neck and the very next day he’s playing for the school baseball team in a game. yeah, that looks like it would’ve gone through one or two lungs at least. For some reason they sell these silly bullet stories. The Maine farce they did it with a ten year-old girl. Shot in the legs and she’s sitting at home ...

I’m like, who is the faggot talking. Cut to Cuomo. Oh! of course, a family of flaming faggots and whores. The magic bullet. Went in but didn’t go into his body! "You gotta give me more than that" (we’re paying you.) "It hurts my heart. " "Did anybody teach you what to do when there’s gun shots?" yes cuomo. Prompt him because he’s not getting his lines down right. What a fucking cunt. Please, satan. Take you shit sell-outs back and shove them up your ass from whence they were spawned.

Exactly. If folks would all do $1 a month, we would have our bills paid and the ability to defend ourselves from all their attacks. We are and have always been limited to funding. It’s our lifeblood and will probably be our death shot. Thanks everyone for keeping her alive.

"I’m not much of a believer in God but my litte brother was looking out for me." No one taking part in these hoaxes is a believer in God. People that believe there’s a judgement do NOT fuck around with devil shit like this. This is very, very bad on one’s resume when they get called upon to explain themselves. There’s a corollary between grotesquely obese creatures like this and immorality. Do you notice a running theme in the script. This is the third one with a daughter, now, that’s mentioned they won’t be going to anymore public events. The other two specifically said "parades" but this one is re-thinking her plans about going to a concert. And WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT CREATURE at the end back in the studio. There are these creatures on tv now, like this thing and Kamala Harris, they try and say that they’re black but I don’t know. This fucking ugly creature is repulsive.

I wish I was there. It seems like when the director yelled, "action" people just started tackling each other. Before I saw the ’wife’ I was thinking, "that poor woman married to this..." then they cut to her. Nevermind! Match made in hell.

yep. that’s everywhere.

Of course, it’s an interracial couple. No bandages on his foot after being shot twice? And we never see any wounds on the clowns foot. Everyone that gets shot, doesn’t seem to know it at the time? And the dumb sheep swallow this garbage without a second thought.

I’d like to see the hole in her calf where the bullet went straight through. And "she’s fine. She’s fine." What’s a bullet through the calf. And this guy! What’s it been? 24 hours? and he’s all smiles and a bullet broke bones in his foot and two of his family members got shot and his daughter watched some guy "pull it out" and it’s like he won the lottery. Julliard-trained actor here. I think this dude lied on his resume. Don’t they run screen tests on these assholes before they actually run tape!

We do, I’m only able to do my monthly contribution this month, if everyone would donate what I donate (which isn’t a lot) 153 would sail smoothly. Please make a commitment to make a monthly donation.

Of course, they’re promoting school shooting drills. If he was shot in the back like that, he would likely be dead. He sure as hell wouldn’t be out of the hospital doing interviews.

Nope. Nobody is ever hurt in these fake shootings.

Still no pics or videos of fake victims at the scene. Only people surrounding crisis actors lying down, very similar to the Boston Marathon hoax.

What do you think of people in black with masks. Are those local people? I mean the whole story is stupid but what an equally stupid question. How is this guy going to know if the imaginary people in black with masks on are local or form Torreon, Coahuila or Schenactady! I guess when you’re getting creatures to deceive and enslave humanity you’re probably not dealing with the sharpest tools in the shed! "I’m pretty sure this is me right here."

Will do brother.

They might as well go get some professional actors. Use Morgan Freeman or Sam Jackson. I’m no fan but They’re the go-to guys when you need a black actor. Or the new guy that paid his dues with Puff Diddy. He’s still working his way up. I mean, this guy’s bad. I mean. You got this dude who must have been promised that they’d exonerate him on all charges for (insert crime here) if he participated in the hoax or, you can get a trained actor. Believe me, anyone that still watches sports and news, or television at all, isn’t going to question if every "shot"parade-goer- person happens to be played by famous celebrity actors from Hollywood. They should do that sometime. Do one of these hoax shootings and get Hollywood actors to play all the parts...shooter, sheriff, emt, reporters, heroes, injured, Dame Judy Dench can push the ubiquitous empty gurney. Tom Cruise can be the hero cop. Woody Harrelson the shooter. Tommy Lee Jones the senile old man. Clive Davis the creepy pedophile. Netanyahu and Gene Simmons old gay Jewish lovers. Trump can play Taylor Swift’s mom...