
Thanks sis! We love ya! #TheTruthWillSetYouFree

Thanks brother!

Awesome thanks!!

Thanks brother!

Thanks brother! You will always be top shelf my man. Glad we crossed paths on YouTube so long ago.

You know it bro. But it’s where the sheep hang out so it’s always a challenge not to break out. I am on a very short, controlled leash with YouTube...In a way, a slave if I wanna use their platform.

AI controlling the system bro. It’s astounding how quick they can shut down dissidents.

I agree brother. There are 40,000+ religions that are all contrary to what the Bible says we should be doing. I don’t even see the Bible as a religion, it’s just a way of life. I have never found 1 single so called religion that follows Scriptures. They don’t exist. But with that 10% unBiblical tithe, why not soak the people. 10% is a ton of cash. Now if these people really followed the Bible, they would bring their preacher a fattened oxen, some new grain, some olive oil, ect. They don’t bring cash to these people but every single one of them fleeces the people every single month. Madness!

Bastards of hell. The entire lot of them. Censorship kills. The only reason to censor is to hurt the people.

Standing in line at a store I looked over at the magazine rack, that talentless hack Swift bitch was on at least 4 different magazine covers..............What a country!!!!!!!

the price of the cost of living crisis when you choose to sell your soul for cash

I never wanted to fly even before the Scamdemic.

you and i know, youtube isnt a platform for truth, i cant even comment on there.

to my mind all religions are fake.

im not that well off jason but just sent a donation, after finding how to do it. Paypal:

This is very good information but it is hard to read, if pause it, I cannot read the center of the screen. I suggest you place a link to a place where I can see the original photos or whatever it is.

e just have and idea to make a video and lough back i wasn’t prepared to trawl through youtube all day to find the right lough, so decided on this funny one. cant please everyone Jason as you have probably found in this truth game. nice one. shared you last video on the MAC ADRESS VACCINATED -

nice one

shadow banned on bitchute