
Sounds just like the catholics too who pretend to drink Jesus’ blood with a shot of red wine and eat his flesh symbolized in a small cracker yet claim to be Christians. This world is a fkn joke.

Garbage theology in an effort to get clicks to a monetized youtube channel. Imagine that.

Sounds like a Rights and Entitlements issue more so than a tyranny (scare tactic) issue. Driving is a privilege not a right. Unlawful parking is not an entitlement. License plates are owned by the issuing agency and are public data. License plates are not a privacy issue. No one has the right to trespass against another by squatting their personally owned vehicle on someone else’s property including public property. Goes back to the old saying, if you can’t do the time, then don’t do the crime. Fear mongering bullshit. No one is forcing the ball field attendees to park on their privately owned parking lot. There is always a choice.

These people are insane and all they need is a little bit of money to persuade them to send these bills through for approval, the public be damned.

I would go several steps further.

It is becoming overwhelmingly obvious that there was very advanced civilization of some kind a long time ago. Going back to the pyramids. Everything has been a lie.

I have tried it. It was indistinguishable from regular cheese

Where I live I only see real clear blue skies on Sundays. I guess all the people working with the spreading of the chemtrails are off. I lay in the sun all day on Sundays to get my vitamin D.

I hope this won’t be as bad as all the Y2K terror we had!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How about silver handcuffs for any company trying to vaccinate/poison us with our food?

Tennessee passed Bill banning chemtrails I read and any weather modification spraying in skys which should be done world wide its show mixed with rain here in Chicago now! Bs chemtrails effect is the real reason for climate change! ! They trying kill us all the trees are dying I see allover in the woods dead trees

Re the inaccurate/false sky - they did the same thing for the news footage on 9/11. An old trick apparently.

Let’s start with this fatty patty.

Major Jim is as stupid as he looks. Bless his heart.rnThanks for sharing!

Let’s not get logical.

How about a bill that says no food with vaccines are allowed in the state of Tennessee.

I recently found at that Bill Gates, George Bush, and I have a common ancestor. Just wish they’d give me some of their success and money. Or at least enough to pay my light bill.

ok, i’ll play along, that will feed a lot of them rats for a long time, lol

Also Aleister Crowley said he wrote the book ’The Book of Law’ after it was dictated to him by some sort of transhumanistic being he called IWAS in 1904 in Cairo Egypt with the key dates of April 8, 9, and 10. Pure wickedness. We know American has some sort of sick attachment to midweeks of April as so many things have happened. Don’t forget April 19th is hell week as many of the hoaxs and false flags happened in that week. WACO siege, Oklahoma City Bombing, Boston Marathon Bombing, LA Riots, Lisbon Massacre, Revolutionary War, Baltimore Riots, American Civil War, Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, Charles Manson Sentencing, The Covenant Siege of 1985, USS Iowa explosion, and so many more all at the hands of the zionist/jew/traitors of their time. This year will be extraordinary due to their satanic belief system coinciding with the solar eclipse post era of human sacrifice and total world domination.

There are reports that one of the last times the LHC was fired up before it broke again in July of 2022 that there was a 4 legged 4 armed baby born in India. India’s Dept of Atomic Energy gave CERN their Statute of Lord Shiva the goddess of destruction and rebirth in 2004.