
Couldn’t agree more.

Not just a Jewish Puppet, but Satan’s Puppet as well.

I think you are on to something, the same thing crossed my mind, it’s like the all men’s club at Skull and Bones

Event and it’s aftermath was/is such a great tool to divide and conquer the masses. Those who fell for it and those that didn’t, along with those that speak out afterwards one way or the other show the sick bastards in control who will and who will not support their agenda thus requiring future elimination. The best response is a non-public response to and amongst trusted company. Everyone else has the potential to be tools for the puppet masters. The most effective predictability is to be unpredictable. Always keep them guessing. Kill their children first, then their wives, then them, after you convince them you are their savior.

Container ship hits bridge, destroying key support structure, bridge collapses while severing high voltage power lines connected to the bridge. I may be missing something, but the only thing suspicious to me is the path of the ship into the bridge support.

One of these scenes looks like the one set up for The James Foley beheading, or more appropriately the James Foley neck sawing, and as usual the fake victim is not struggling screaming or writhing in pain.

I’ve concluded that these Jewish men are happiest dancing with other Jewish men because I never see them dancing with women. It must be a fundamental psychological preference, or is it something else?

XMR is anonymous.

Not a female one. Bunch of queers. Looks just like what I saw firsthand in the Masonic Temple after initiation as well. Bunch of Queers and Known Pedophiles there to my shock. Funny how the Trumptards on Gab will not listen to logic and reason about PedoTrump. I hate all politicians and the government and now this country too.

Typical weak excuse for not donating.

He’s exposing a HUGE lie. That IS important. What are YOU doing? Nothing but spamming comments.

nice work bro

There never was another Holocaust before covid-19. Some will say I shouldn’t say this but I can’t wait for all the talkshow hosts like Stephen Colbert and Jimmy Kimmel to keel over and start flopping like a fish, the only problem is that these Judas Goats probably never really took the shots while they encouraged others to do so.

The worst is parents having their children injected with these poisons. Disgraceful.

Curious why the thumbs down. Ive looked at many of her videos and all the information appears to be truth and sourced. Thanks for posting.

I took a great deal of psycho-soc in college. Every large organization that commands a great deal of wealth attracts all of the psyco/sociopaths of the world who take over their leadership. The first thing they do is to put policies into place that will insure their retention of power. Then they remove/harm anyone who can threaten their positions and keep everyone else in line through examples resulting in fear and intimidation. This evil used to be reserved for royalty, gubmints, religious groups, law, and corporations. But finally the last bastion of privacy, help and trust has fallen. The medical community has joined the world domination club. Most of the intelligent yet useful idiot minions in these organizations are duped into creating Orwellian, dystopian, harmful products and services for their puppet masters. Slogans and dreams and BS: War is peace. No one is above the law. You will help usher in the new age of immortal man. Some must die for the greater good. We must save the planet or all life will cease to exist. 24/7 surveillance of health issues will save lives. And...we can insure that none of this will ever be used for other purposes.

Nobody seems to notice: nobody seems to care. - George Carlin

Great tool to remind your children to not do drugs. The depths of deception are a bottomless pit used for or against any topic the author chooses. The simple fact that anyone can create, edit, or modify wikipedia should be the first clue that it is not reliable. Even if this psuedo-science is true, the people are defenseless against it. If it is used to eliminate negros, negro lovers, drug addicts, alcoholics, pedophiles, liars, thieves, whores, whoremongers, and politicians, then i am all for it. Rage on Nanos. Put ’em down. IMO, it’s pure insanity.

Love it.

none of these people will think twice about getting the mark of the beast.