
That’s exactly what they want.

I already took a dive into the rabbit hole, Thanks.

I get it. This is actually real. according to “the science “. Science gets it wrong all the time. The hypothesis seems to make sense. This is the second time i’ve highlighted Toxo in a short time period. Time will tell if this is the really big issue that it’s claimed to be.

I hate it everytime one of these videos is played because it forces me to go down the rabbit hole just to make sure someone not trying to do a parody and spoof us. Well glad you weren’t anyway.

Legion was also the name of the man in the Bible demonically possessed that were cast into a herd of swine by Jesus. Trump is a piece of crap, and I believe he is trying to pawn himself off on Americans and the world as a King Cyrus character who was a pagan like Trump, and his face is stamped on the Trump Temple Coin alongside King Cyrus with the inscription, And HE charged me to build HIM a house in Jerusalem. The asking price for the Trump Shekel was 59.99 as was The Trump Bible. 999 is 666 inverted, yes and Trump is a worshiper of Apollo called Apollyon or Abaddon in the Bible which is interpreted as the one who rises out of the Bottomless Pit. Along witn Fauci and Bill Gates, Trump (The Father of the Vaccine) will go down in history as one of the biggest mass murderers of humanity ever.

This was the easiest one to catch, they flash these scenes by so quickly that that average person doesn’t have time to critically break them down, and also fed by Hollywood shooting scenes in movies and TV where the prop guns shoot sparks and show bullet impacts as sparks, in addition to that I had to pause the film and advance it frame by frame to see that the blood bag needs about 5 slashes before it actually starts slinging blood and there is no physical response from the fake victim and only decides to roll over when the fake scene is completed, total hog wash.

The national news media is specializing in fear- porn more than ever, here’s a bit more. or, just an interesting hypothesis . Something has to explain the insanity, it can’t be as simple as low IQ. ,or can it?

Is Donald Dump going to do this for the Tanakh Hebrew bible also?

I’m just never leaving my house ever again.

I remember asking a teacher when I was pretty young how the hell we went from horse and buggies and mud huts for thousands of yrs to flying rockets around in under 100 years time after1900. I always had a prob with the "stories" I had been told . Never fully believed them then, and still today don’t. What if those lights and other things we see up above they call satellites/ufo are really the builders keeping tabs on us? I believe there is land past what they call the south pole. I just "feel" that its the truth,, or a portion of the truth anyways. I have thought about this a lot over the past several years. I’ve dreamt about it.

So what are we loyal 153 people going to do about this problem in our nation?

We should vote for top videos to be pinned here for all to learn. This is an amazing video not just about traitor Trump but the slime that has infiltrated this country. We need people to open their eyes to the parasites screwing us over.

If more people were aware of these things in 2020, we’d all be better off.

This is so silly. There is no virus, no spike protein because no one isolated it. It is probably just 5G and a bunch of other hocus pocus spread around. Even NIH published the connection, Then they used the situation to put nano tech in people (or maybe they created the situation as an excuse to), resulted un-named MAC everywhere and all kinds of weird health problems.

When I traveled to Italy, these buildings were everywhere, even the tour guide at the Vatican agreed with me that mules, pick and shovels could not build anything close to this. There was an 80 ton column inside the Vatican she was describing during the tour and she turned around and winked at me because we had discussed the impossibility of building these structures with the tools available at the time during a break no matter how many slaves.

Another one of their controlled opposition. If this guy was for real they would’ve burried him and his stories years ago. We’ve got to be smarter than this.

I love all of Lookoutfa Charlie’s work but he def doesn’t cover it in the depth and technicality that she does, nore would I expect him to as he runs a audio forensics channel, not a medical body area network channel.

Yeah sorry here ya go

There’s plenty of proof. Everything she talks about she sources on her channel.rn

I understand but in comparison to what this guy is covering here, with the decades of spraying nano sensors on the world, trying to turn us all in to automated cyborgs, the manson hoax is small potatoes don’t you think? rnWe’re talking about people who are 60+ years ahead of the general population in technology, who are currently in the process of creating a technocratic slave race (us), where they use us as their new 6G internet. Somehow I feel like the manson hoax, or who killed michael jackson just doesn’t really matter much in comparison. rnEverything this guy said, he’s backed up and it’s all happening. I have verified most of it myself, and anyone can, it’s really not even hard to do since it’s all publically available. rnNow I’m not saying you should make this guy your false idol and believe everything he says, I just discovered him myself like last week, but as far as this presentation goes, I don’t see or hear anything untrustworthy. The fact is that nobody knows everything, some people know a lot more than you, and some people know a lot less than you, so what... that will always be the case.rnBut if you’re telling me that you don’t trust him because he was mean to you once... come on bro. rnI appreciate your comments, but let’s get more serious with this stuff, we’re running out of time.