
Problem - Reaction - Solution

I will jump to the end. Military-like guards at the doors with facial recognition, bag and body searches, and every item will have a theft proof tag that will set off the alarms if taken from the store without being scanned at the self checkout stations. Every place will be like entering and exiting a military secure facility. This is the warm up. See your future.

You didn’t actually mention it but may have inferred it, but ground penetrating radar is something they can employ to find your preps, and yes if your allowed to stay alive after they leave is a big one as they all regard us as homegrown terrorists.

I do not believe there is anywhere on a normal residential property where you can safely and securely cache items. There are very few places in your home: house, garage, attic, basement that can meet all the requirements. In all sheltered places, any secret compartments can easily be sniffed out by dogs. External places like sheds that are not heated/cooled can destroy the cache during extreme season conditions. And any places that are really secure are not readily accessible in a real emergency. Given enough time, the bad guys are going to find your stash, or if you created that perfect underground vault or put it in a Self Storage Place, you will be faced to leave it behind when you bug out. The only thing you can do is hide it all around and hope they stop looking after they find enough of what they wanted. And hope they leave you alive when they leave. Temperature, humidity, water intrusion, non-detect-ability, animal and insect proof, and ease of access - the cache Rubics Cube.

I have not read it either, but if they can do all the things outlined in Obama’s 2012 NDAA, then they can also force it’s citizens into situations that could use them in labor camps, and that has already been done under FDR.

Right, same here. Still, I suspect that I may be feeding a beast that may become a problem later.

Just think of what must be in the 350 page Patriot Act that they passed that no one read other than Ron Paul.

Too much trouble to go out shopping. It would be easier to just stay home and use Amazon........................RIGHT !

They are to lazy to even go out on location for the fake beheading?............WTF ! !

I bought a chicken coop from the Amish back in 2020. He had heard about the PLANdemic, but didn’t know anyone that got sick. I told him that they were all safe because they didn’t have any TV’s. We laughed and he seemed more aware of the scam than the regular sheeple.


Oh, it’s only just started, listen to this women, she knows what she is talking about and is being attacked mercilessly for it...

very true, it’s all so confusing.

Hopefully you will have something ready at a moment’s notice to defend yourself when the SHTF other than the shovel that you need to dig up that cache that you have secreted away friend, the government may tell you they are in dire need of that shovel.

Ya know, I was going out to shoot a duck, I took every gun I had, including all the ammo, except for this old revolver and this box of ammo. The boat was so heavy it split at the seams, sprung a leak, and sank in the middle of the lake, I lost everything. I was lucky to get away with my life. Here take this revolver.

Yup, just trying to make it clear to those that have prepared for unforseen events, even when armed, may be no match for those trained by the government to deal with homegrown terrorist’s who would dare try to hold something back from the omnipotent government from which all rights spring, and remember Donald Trump is right there with the rest of these of theses gang of criminals and enemies of America.

Many prudent people are "caching" such supplies in places other than their homes.

Bottom line is technology is going to fail us, it already is, and we don’t have long before it crashes completely, 123 ABC 33 and 33.

There is a really good video documentary called: Clear and Present Evil. Bitchute or Utube.

Any woman i date now i’m going to ask her straight up did she get the covid shot and if so how many boosters. I don’t want to share any contaminated body fluids whatsoever. Could be the new STD.