
CERN is attempting The Opening of The Abyss, The Portal to Hell, whereas the darkest of demons, dark matter and God’s Particle, will be released through the black hole created by CERN’s max energization to date, (6.6TV) the third, (third time is a charm) of it’s LHC, Large Hadron Collider. All during the Darkness of The Solar Eclipse. Did you know that the last similar Solar Eclipse was in 2017, 6 years, 6 months, and 6 weeks back? That CERN’s symbol is 666 upside down or that their symbolic Statute is that of Lord Shiva, The Goddess of Destruction and Rebirth. Their endeavoring goal is to bring about The Aoen of Horus (division of humanity) to reenact of The Tale of OSIRIS (Murdering of God) with their GOD particle. People should know, much more important than the clot shot, that the last time it was fully activated (at only 4.4TV) on July 5, 2022 three critical things happened. They were able to create a 14 hour break in the earth’s magnetic field. They hope to achieve a 24 hour break at 6.6TV on April 8th coincideing with the Solar Eclipse. If that’s not enough, they know that The Devil’s Comet will also reappear in this darkness. Topping on the cake is that NASA is in on the game with their intent of firing 3 supersonic rockets at the Solar Eclipse in a mission they are calling APEP/APOPHIS, which is the Ancient Egyptian Spirit of Evil, Darkness, and Destruction. NuttyYahoo is, at least he thinks he is, The Abaddon or Apollyon of the Bible,The Great Destroyer.

Hi, I found it on this page:

Here is a gift if you will take time to read it. rnrn

A red Heffer’s blood to represent the blood of Jesus, I don’t know how you can be any more blasphemous than that? Prayers in the senate and congress, are you serious? this is all an act among Trumpers, those in the congress and the senate are only there to shear the sheep.

I would recognize Jerry’s voice anywhere. He hasn’t posted any content on Bitchute for 6 months. Where did you run across his stuff?

A very interesting side note to TOXO: The humans who really need to be very careful about exposure to T. gondii are those with compromised immune systems.

It’s obvious that we are being lied to, no doubt but I still can’t make a clear picture in my mind about what the films are showing. The waters are above the firmament so how is the rocket creating a wake of bubbles on the other side of the dome? Where is the sun? Where is the moon, above the firmament or below and is space really a vacuum? why should it be? Why does air pressure decrease the higher above sea level you go if we are really within a dome, is the mosture content pulling the air downwards? If we are on a flat plane the sun should be visible at all times or light must be bending from moisture in the atmosphere or magnetism. If light is moving in a straight line then sunsets disprove flat earth because that would mean that the sun was going beneath the plane when it set. Without a firm base of logic to go on we are all just spinning in "faith" circles.

You don’t think the elites would be without their wine and cheese while they are riding out the apocalypse in their underground bunkers do you?

Yes, I consider it one of life’s, great lost opportunities, that for a very short time long ago, you and I could have been Ring Knockers.

What’s up with the Rotary club? How or why are they dodgy?

I knew there was something fishy about you ! ........ha ha ha.

That’s why they have never been back to the moon as they claimed, and were never actually there in the first place, despite all their efforts to fool us with failed and fake launches using CGI to deceive humanity.

Mathew 11:12 And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffereth violence and the violent take it by force....??? Revelation 6:14 And the heavens departed as a scroll when it is rolled together, and every mountain and island were moved out of their places. Auguste Piccard reached 52,000 feet in his balloon in 1931 and said what he saw was a flat earth with upturned edges.

Revelations 14:12 says the only people who are saved are those obeying the laws of our Creator and having the faith of Messiah Yahushua. If you are a law breaker, the book of Matthew says you will be rejected and told to depart from our Messiah.

Sounds like a good idea ! When you think about it, the most important things that people need to know are the very topics that they have been taught to stay away from (by design).

Many times, I’ve seen those displays of Free Masonry, usually when entering small towns across America. As an early teenager, I actually owned an Order of DeMolay men’s ring, a gift from a friend of my mother’s, whose husband had passed. However, a couple of my greedy relatives thought it such a waste, that such a young teen, should have such a large solid gold men’s ring, and convinced me that they would be the better guardian.

Here’s allot more from this artist.

Gary, that would be: ( Matteo Carcassi, Etude In A Minor ) Played by: Jonathan Adams rnClassical Surroundings, Vol. 11_ Guitar Music of Carcassi, Sor, Bach, Sans, Tarrega, O’Carolan and Thomason

RBD3! What is is the classical music playing in the background?

Received my new Account and Login.... I’m over here too now, RV!