
Great tool to remind your children to not do drugs. The depths of deception are a bottomless pit used for or against any topic the author chooses. The simple fact that anyone can create, edit, or modify wikipedia should be the first clue that it is not reliable. Even if this psuedo-science is true, the people are defenseless against it. If it is used to eliminate negros, negro lovers, drug addicts, alcoholics, pedophiles, liars, thieves, whores, whoremongers, and politicians, then i am all for it. Rage on Nanos. Put ’em down. IMO, it’s pure insanity.

Love it.

none of these people will think twice about getting the mark of the beast.

Amen !!!

The correct dosing of any vaccine is ZERO.

I did unpublic you Phil, by accident at first, then on purpose as a favor, on those two comments. I look at it this way. To put it mildly, I and, I would suggest most white people with any sense, lost allot of respect for blacks in 2020, they bought what they get from white people, for a long, long time. Just because they were allowed to burn down America and shit in their own nest in 2020, they could have chosen not to. As with any race, they are not all complicit, but I also won’t live to see the day they even come close to any redemption for what they did and continue to do to America. Buy more ammo.

Yep the only ones who should have guns are police and military Then we will all be safe

Who made this video? Is it yours or if not, please can you link the channel?

In regards to me being a spammer dipshit let me paint you a picture. If i wanted a video hosted here i would create one and upload it thus feel obligated to pay for such a service. Your communist ideology has the basis that any guest/visitor who spends their valuable time here creating ’traffic’ and commenting should have to pay for the air they breathe. How fkn twisted are you? It is your problem and shortcomings if you want to pay some strangers mortgage and whatever else the your money goes to, especially in another country. I trust no one nor do I give a shit about their opinion or yours. A fool and his money are soon departed. I no way in hell trust you or anyone else online with traceability of my banking information. I’d like to ask jason if their is an anonymous way to send some cash but other than that, i don’t feel obligated the least bit. Sounds like you are butt hurt for some odd reason. That’s all you ever whine about. I’ve tested some of you clowns with rock solid evidence and not one has taken the lead. Seems the path of plausible deniability is the basis for those. Now go take your meds ’cause you’re losing it.

Wasn’t mean to attack. It just serves no purpose on solving today’s problems, at all. It’s irrelevant to current events whereas as such unique energy and drive is going to waste when it be used for good to fight the evil current presence. Talent going to waste.


Not sure why you attack this guy. He does incredible work backed up by many people in all sorts of people in construction. Not sure why you have a hard on for him. Unless you can prove these buildings could have been with with horse and carriage carrying all the massive pillars etc, no electricity, cranes or power tools, you just whining for some odd reason. I worked in the construction industry, these buildings cannot be built today with all our "amazing" technology. "Imagine that". BTW, I’m not a big fan of 153 spammers who never have never donated. Hell, you’ve never even posted a video. Either debunk this with facts or be on your way.

I can’t answer all the questions. But there is NO DOUBT that all these rockets and air balloons are hitting a ceiling. THE FIRMAMENT: 100 PROOFS IT’S REAL - DECLASSIFIED CIA PAPERS -

Overkill, however! There is one guy in my city that hit a woman with his car, took off and left her in the gutter, but was later caught. He was let out on bond and got caught four more times for driving without a license after that, he’s still loose. The really sad part, he had many tickets for driving without a license, and no insurance, before he hit and ran the old woman. The law was changed so driving without a license isn’t an arrestable offense, why? Because the jails were filling up. That’s how stupid government is. This is a racial issue, if you haven’t already guessed. Most of the crime in my city is done by people who have gotten used to getting their hand’s slapped for things that should have put them behind bars and did, not that many years ago.

Just yesterday, i took my son to work and i stopped at our neighborhood 7-11. There were 6, count them 6 Va State Police Cars had this lady pulled over. City streets, closest interstate in 4-5 miles away. They held and tormented this lady for more than 2 hours. They removed the plates from her car and had it towed. Stickers were current so i assume they did not belong on that car. They gave her 4 tickets and made her walk away. Don’t know if they confiscated the car or what but she certainly did not get in the tow truck as a normal tow. Talk about overkill.

I have a ginormous pecan tree, waiting to be put to use.

Or anywhere else

I forgot to mention the time I was entering a small, local gun show and happened to witness a cop car with a license plate reader on top, fly through the small parking lot. He was driving rather fast, as if not to be spotted. I know what they do, I’ve seen it, it’s not speculation, it’s not an opinion.

I disagree only in that the fools in charge these days are making up the rules, as far as what is a crime and what is not. Courts are releasing criminals into society while locking up people who have done nothing wrong constitutionally. I agree that it’s voluntary, and nobody is forcing anybody to park there. My implication in this video is that companies and governments lie all the time. What happens when they use this technology after claiming they wouldn’t, to go after people with unpopular beliefs, people who don’t believe their false stories, and say so? Like the anti-semantics and hollow-cause deniers, and worse yet those nasty video producers spreading all those lies and misinformation about them. Not fear mongering at all, unless one wants to deny government’s tendency towards criminality. Governments always abuse the power they are given, and this is no different. Or, we can wait till it happens, then complain about it. I agree with what you say, but that only holds true in a lawful society, we have no such thing, and it’s getting worse by the day.

Right, lmao. I’m going to be so heartbroken if the sky isn’t falling on or after April 8th. All this fear mongering gone to waste.