
I CAN NOT get it through the heads of bootlickers that not every cop is a wonderful warm caring helpful hero just because they wear a costume and badge.

Thank you..................glad you’re back.............BTW it was 13 years ago today May 2nd 2011 that I ripped my TV plug out of the wall for good.

Up and atom! great news! Without this man, none of this would exist. Thank you!

I believe that people should approach today’s legal system expecting the worst. In Mayberry, Andy and Barney would be expected to conduct themselves in an honest and just manor, but those days are long gone. has been restored to working but we are still in the process of moving the server.

I think a list of where all the content providers reside other than here would be a good thing. I still think this is number 1 as far as "news." Still want a link to the first video.

she’s now updating her video’s hear -!--GENE-Editing:8

Photosynthesis is essential to all plant growth, without out it all life will eventually perish, and of course that is their plan and it’s also Biblical, all of these plans are already in place, when did these criminals ever ask our permission for anything?

I’d like to know as well, we should have a backup if all else fails, I don’t think there are too many other baskets out there to put our eggs in that stacks up to 153News but we should keep that idea open, what say you?

Where can go as a backup in case 153 goes away? Gab?

Those clever Israelis.

Thanks for all you do, and much.thanks to the many faithful members here as well, hope all goes well in a week or so.

just commented on you last post. Should have waited 5 minutes

What’s the first video on 153news? I know you mentioned it years ago, but it would be neat to see what started this wonderful playground of smacks to the face.

Now there is a young man who knows what is right and what is wrong. Murder is wrong no matter who does it. We, in the west as ordinary citizens with integrity, can see exactly what’s going on my friend but are powerless against our corrupt, degenerate leaders. You have your enemy ’next’ to your borders with genocide, we have our enemy ’within’ our borders also with genocide. We are not Palestinians or Israelis and we love all human beings... but right is right, and wrong is wrong! This is wrong! This is not self defense in either of our cases.

"We literally witnessed it."rnrnThat doesn’t sound scripted at all. /cough /cough

Just don’t fall for the easily debunkable NWO Freemason AE pizza dome model. It was a controlled release with multiple intent. 1. To capture the minds of those who figured out that Heliocentrism is false. 2. To tie Biblical scripture to the easily debunkable model to make Christians look like idiots. The truth is that our realm is a very highly advanced supernatural virtual reality created for us by YHWH. Atomism is a cabalistic hoax. The sun and moon render to the observer in this realm just like they do in many of the 3D virtual environments that we ourselves create. To prove to yourself that we live in a supernatural virtual reality, observe the sun and moon on cloudy days, watch for clouds both in front of and behind the sun and/or moon. Also note that in some cases the sun and moon can observed actually cutting through a cloud. This is not possible in either the Jesuit heliocentric model or the Freemason pressurized pizza dome model.

Sometimes when I hear someone in one of my videos mention the planes in 9/11, sometimes I type "what planes?" and sometimes I let it slide. Sometimes I don’t intervene in another’s video for good reason, sometimes I find it quite necessary. I share allot of other’s information, if I vetted everything according to what I think I know, nothing much would get done. I quite sure I’m wrong on many issues, it’s a process and we’ll get there eventually. I’m going to highlight another "Double Down News" story today, only because of the guy’s interesting take on Gaza.

You are amazing brother.....

I get it brother. We can look at all the info and make up our own minds.