
Donald Trump lost so many billions in his business endeavours all which the taxpayer foots the bill for, as always yet there he remains, hailed as some example of a maverick tycoon. Like you say, the guy’s just a puppet, an actor playing a role to sucker the gullible masses looking for a saviour. People are so dumb and we are so screwed if people don’t wake up fast.

No, I’m having problems as well, I haven’t been able to watch any videos in their entirety without out the stoping and buffering, I don’t usually have this problem on both my phone and computer at the same time, I chocked it up to all the heavy chemtrail spraying/ cloud cover ???

He’s not necessarily the worst president ever. He playing his role very well as did Trump before him. He is possibly one of the most evil but but he’s definitely not the worst. Look at it like he’s an actor in soap opera.

They never stop.

Unfortunately you are making assumptions that the unjabbed somehow are immune to what is being done. If you listen to what Sabrina Wallace has to say on the matter there is no way out of this, the shit is being sprayed from the skies and we are all breathing it in all the time. We are all marked and tracked and numbered already. The technology being used is not dependent on us being jabbed but targetted to the electric aspects or everyone, i.e the human aura is "linked in" (heard that before?) to the WBN, the wireless body network and this has been being done to us for many years already. She has posted numerous vidoes relating to this technology and its implications on her rumble and odysee sites. She might seem like a bit of a wacko at times and she probably has a bit of a saviour complex but God only knows what she has been through and she is clearly extremely intelligent and I’m sure she means well.

I was wondering if I’m the only one having playback and downloading problems on 153? took me hours to download your video on Oct7. I’ll mirror it, it’s worth sharing.

A. . I.. Satan seed!

According to this lady emp won’t help...idk. I do know Christ is the onlyway!Christ is the way the truth and the life

Your video was great!

Jim’s rebuttal of BiBi nut’n honey was truthful, to the point and well deserved.

In 1989 had some friends in California who lost a child to the vac. They were getting a comp check from govt because of their loss. Wife and I decided not to take that risk with our children. The sad news is that she ran off with her boy friend 12 years later. Then the children were put in public school and got Vaxed for school. So when the CV 19 came out 4 out of 7 got the CV shot. One not sure about. I believe they are all having issues from the CV shot now. We who have been keeping up with the academic know that it is a bio weapon. Death and hell following close behind.. MRNA gene therapy it’s no vaccine. Many believe it to be the Mark of the beast. Rob Schoal Sabboth Covenant Channel you tube does an excellent video on the Mark of the beast. The × the Kai is the Mark of the beast. To me the shot is the crowning do the Mark. Once they have installed an operating system and one can. no longer think for themselves ! How will or can they Repent.. Sela

"The Jew" thing is a Psyop.. Trump is a Scottish Rite FreeMason Jesuit, you know The Double Headed Phoenix (Divide and Rule), Skull & Bones etc. He can put any fkin hat on he likes, bend his knee at any wall he likes, he’s an actor, at the end of the day it’s Free Masonry that controls him, it controls them all...rnWhy do you think this Jewish Bullshit is being pushed so hard, thought we weren’t allowed to mention them, yet most "Truthers" do nothing butt.....rnPeople are either supporting (unknowingly mostly) Zionism via "The Jew" route, or Pedos via the Gaza cause, while "nobody" is looking where they are supposed to, re, at ALL of It, which is the point ofcourse....rn

I’ve got an idea! Those people who find getting a job very difficult, because of potential employer’s overuse of the very racist policy of criminal background screening, could become the new Climate Core ambassadors. There I go again, I’m probably late to the party one more time. Judging by societies current trajectory, someone else has most likely thought of that great idea, foiled again.

5 g I believe now has been fully deployed. We did not get that stopped. Vaxed have MAC addresses. They are trans human siborgs. Waiting for commands. Weather Warfare appears to be in full swing. Destruction of food supply appears to be in full swing. Things do not appear to look good for Humanity. To me all is left is to decide our eternal. we follow the creator Yahuah and keep his laws and commandments. Or do we keep following the Man of sin the Lawless one leading humanity off the cliff into hell? Yahuah Bless you all. I pray we all make it into his kingdom. Peace and much love..

Wow!! I heard this a while back. How right on she was about everything! It’s not over yet. Unless they really did get 90 percent of the world jabbed . If they did they already wone. Times may be much later than most think

Are we really going to let the amazing site fall to the morons of news?

Click on the link in the description and learn more about this woman. She has been exposing Israel’s follies for many years.

Please be more specific.

The jews are the bank & propaganda managers and ministers of the overarching death system that is in place. The very top of the pyramid is likely in Switzerland. Ya know.. the so-called "neutral" nation (which is a great cover narrative btw).rnWhen the time comes, the jews will get the bullet, along with all the other high ranking generals. This is how it always happens throughout history. D Trump will be no exception. rn

maybe you are batman? jason is commissar gordon?