
That’s why Jews want TikTok, to counter all the lies about them, and to spread the truth.

That too just like all the controlled ops conservatives in America shilling for Trump.

As the ship was approaching the bridge I could see vehicles crossing, but at the time of the collapse I didn’t see any vehicles on the bridge. I wonder if they closed the bridge before they took it down.

Yes, but Jim thinks Trump is the lesser of 2 evils.

She is a anti-Semite....................making things up against the poor Jews.

This is a older video and STILL NO KNIFE, not a rubber one, not a CGI one, NO KNIFE! NO KNIFE! NO KNIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Idiots around my home have their Trump 2024 flags. They still don’t have a clue. It took Mr Fetzer awhile to figure it out, but your average person may never.

I’m glad to see Russianvids back over here too. And he’s well aware that the Earth is flat. He’s one of the first OG’s on the Flat Earth. anyone who says the Earth isn’t flat hasn’t tried to prove they live on a spinning ball. It’s just that simple thank you for the video.RV

Strong = 30

He is talking truth! He was in the ill playing cards.All the world’s a stage.

Those who don’t speak out should get 3 years. Outrages!!

Out is very sad how easily people were suckered into taking the lethal injection. The media did their job spreading fear!

Be careful with anything Russianvids puts out. He promotes the Freemasonic NWO pressurized pizza dome model which is easily debunkable. The Jesuits realized that a growing number of people would eventually figure out that Heliocentrism is false, so they prepared well in advance for their Freemason pawns to push out a controlled alternative which is also false. Both the Jesuit Heliocentric model and the Freemason NWO pressurized pizza dome model are false models of our realm.

This is the worst war on humanity ever.

Joan the Baptist? - no. You must question her allegiance if she remains untouched after delivering that telling testimony. What was the message behind the message?

All of them Freemason’s in response to DianeDi

You can always do a screenshot and then upload it.

Go to BING search engine and ask the AI CoPilot if Jeff Bezos was a free mason, see what you get, I can’t post it here, it just won’t let me.

My point was that she is in a venue where other people are listening, but there should be men doing this and maybe, that’s why this is one of the reasons this has happened because their voices have been silenced, it’s more important that the message is being spoken whether or not they care to listen, we are living in the last days spoken of in scripture, the same thing happened to the civilizations in ancient times that the world wants to revert to.

To CooperJames4570: Whatever this is that’s happening, it has been highly planned and well executed and is nearing the very end stages. The filtration is to the point that ALL of the House except 8 representatives voted for $4B to set up welcome centers for migrants from People of Peace countries to come here for free. These will be the very same people that ’W’ told us ’... hate our freedoms’. I understand and agree with your sentiment but who are you going to ’speak out’ to? The people to call are the ones organizing it. I have this recurring dream of being wounded and dragged out to the front of my house. I am asked to ’submit’. When I shake my head no, they cut my throat.