
Go to BING search engine and ask the AI CoPilot if Jeff Bezos was a free mason, see what you get, I can’t post it here, it just won’t let me.

My point was that she is in a venue where other people are listening, but there should be men doing this and maybe, that’s why this is one of the reasons this has happened because their voices have been silenced, it’s more important that the message is being spoken whether or not they care to listen, we are living in the last days spoken of in scripture, the same thing happened to the civilizations in ancient times that the world wants to revert to.

To CooperJames4570: Whatever this is that’s happening, it has been highly planned and well executed and is nearing the very end stages. The filtration is to the point that ALL of the House except 8 representatives voted for $4B to set up welcome centers for migrants from People of Peace countries to come here for free. These will be the very same people that ’W’ told us ’... hate our freedoms’. I understand and agree with your sentiment but who are you going to ’speak out’ to? The people to call are the ones organizing it. I have this recurring dream of being wounded and dragged out to the front of my house. I am asked to ’submit’. When I shake my head no, they cut my throat.

Bridge work/repair in preparation for the Demolition.

It’s happing in America, and the masses can’t even see it, it’s also sad that there are no men speaking out against this madness in her country and across the whole earth

As in everything in the world today, too many connections to be of mere coincidence. Great to see Russian Vids back here again.

The bridge collapsed between the pillars, but there would be no reason for the bridge to fail between the pillar on the right and land. That should have still been structurally sound and should have remained standing. We now know the story went on and on and on.........OMG!!

Yes, it’s a sad, stupid story. I couldn’t find the McCain tombstone /urinal photo, so I had to settle with Hillary. Thanks for the comment.

Motivational? I dozed off listening to fruit cup and fraud.

WW3 I believe is Desined to be a battle of Judisum verses Islam. Is that the real reason for this? I think it might be so.


Way to much money to not steal it?

ECC 1:18

Who are the two suits with matching blue and white striped ties? At 18 minute mark.

Liars that are hideously ugly inside and out.

January 26, 2024, in Houston, Texas the Houston city council approved paying 1.7 million to defend the city and former Police Chief Art Acevedo in a federal lawsuit over the Harding Street raid that left two innocent people ----Dennis Tuttle and Rhogena Nicholas, dead in their home. In 2019, former Houston Police Officer Gerald Goines was arrested and accused of fabricated evidence that led to the raid, on lying on reports related to the investigation as well as about years of other casework, having sex with an informant and keeping loose drugs and a stolen gun in his car. Nothing has been done to get justice for this innocent couple as the city of Houston used delay tactics.

Good catch! Can’t believe I didn’t notice, just picked the first one off of TikTok.

Big Pharma has a lot in common with the weapons industry. And what we see on the streets in terms of the drug epidemic, is just another form of chemical warfare.

The most powerful drug in the world is exposure to UV rays from the sun. That is why we are told to avoid the sun and wear sunscreen.

I believe prescription drugs are deliberately tainted to cause harm just like the jabs. Cholesterol and BP guidelines are completely made up numbers based on sales not science by a corrupt panel paid by Pharma.