
soooo how many of these do you need to make to ’prove’ it?

The Freemasons have been attempting to tie Biblical scripture to their false and easily debunked AE pressurized pizza dome model for a long time. By tying Biblical Scripture to their false model, they hope to simultaneously destroy the Flat Earth movement and Christianity turning most back to the other false model of Jesuit heliocentrism. Both the Jesuit heliocentric model and the NWO AE pressurized pizza dome model are false models of our realm.


With the NWO Freemason AE pressurized pizza dome model presented in the video, it would be impossible for a person living on the Tropic of Capricorn to ever see a sunrise or sunset that is South of East and West. Yet in reality, the Tropic of Capricorn does indeed experience sunrises and sunsets that occur well South of East and West. This is a major debunk of the model that is being presented in the video. Our realm is certainly not a spinning ball, but it is also NOT this controlled Freemasonic release.

She’s a shill, converted to RC like Tucker, seen her on a photo together with him.

All vaccines are full of garbage. From giving people life long health Autisum Sids etc.

What virus? Cov was never isolated ! Aids was a farce too. It was caused by popers and the drug they gave them. AZT a drug that has been banned.Cov is radiation poisoning

Sorry but just because "it makes perfect sense" in the narrators mind for the moon to be the object eclipsing the sun, doesn’t make it evidence, so you’ve failed to prove that, therefor we do not need to make a video to prove the baseless claim. Let’s not start making the same mistakes these globers make when posing our arguments and let’s stick to what we know.


Doesn’t look like water is being displaced at all by ship. As fake as plane landing in the Hudson

Jayme Kraus. JK. Just Kidding

Plus anyone opposing this Antisemitism Act is an Anti SemiternSo that should settle the question

Well now we got the AntiSemetism Awareness Act in Congress All the Hatred towards the Jews and Israel show turn to Love

You’ll need to click the COPILOT tab - top of pagern

Nothing seems to work. Does this link show you the response from CoPilot?

The main traffickers and kidnappers of black people from Africa, that were sold in the USA were Jews.

If it was a real knife, even a small one, the Bishop will be dead almost instantly, the attacker hit the Bishop several times in the back of his neck and in the back and in his face. He will have been is a pool of blood and blood splashing everywhere.

Looking at the video in slow motion, I cannot see a knife, perhaps was just a piece of metal to make his fist stronger ?rnIn Australia, where I live, the “government” ordered complete censorship of this video and they are trying to force Elon Musk to remove it from X. Only when I watched it today I realized the lies behind this false flag. I wonder if it was a way to distract people from the extermination of innocent families in Gaza and to make it easier to establish a complete censorship of anything that the Zionists want to block.rn

I can’t name even one ’possible’ candidate out there that isn’t on the wrong team. I call them Trojan Horses. Shiva, RFKJr., The Don, FLA Gov, Abbott, Tulsi, ..., on and on. All owned. False hope - same results. And then there are the absolute China owned Newsomes and the rest of them. Let’s just vote Nancy in and get it over with. JK ;)

Donald Trump and Joe Biden are 2 peas in a pod both share different sides of the controlled opposition coin, I expect their will be laws in the future to force you to bow down and proclaim you allegiance to Israel or else, what Trump has said is now just an incremental step towards making that a possibility.