
I honestly believe that the ONLY way you can hold any of those positions is you must be a TRAITOR. We live in clown world, no doubt in my mind.

What better way to enslave a man than to give him a vote and tell him he’s free...... Albert Camus.

Those are some crazy stats!

These NWO controlled Freemason agents are doubling their efforts to push out content pushing their false AE pressurized pizza dome model because of the 12-14-24 "Final Experiment" they have planned. They have gone to great lengths to tie Christianity to their false model via a great many controlled agents. When they show 24-hour daylight in Antarctica, they plan to debunk their own model, make Christians look foolish, and draw Flat Earthers back into the other false model of Jesuit heliocentrism. Don’t be fooled. Both the NWO Freemason AE pressurized pizza dome and the Jesuit heliocentric model are false models of our realm.

Hamas is a Mossad creation. Just like the air alarms in Tel Aviv, when the government want’s to disperse a Jewish demonstration against Zionism, they just switch on the sirens and everybody flees the scene. It’s really a brilliant way to control the public.

They all got their thirty pieces of silver. Let’s hope they get what they’ve really got coming, sooner than they think.

I can’t remember if they said it on this movie or which clip I saw it.They said the money was gone too because it was all digital. Done talk of fed going digital in October this year. Do I remember correctly? Thanks to anyone who remembers!!

I agree with you. That is a great reason to teach the flat earth..

The 2nd half is new, from the 28th, now he says he lost an eye.

I’ve had that a number of times, but wrote it off to bad WIFI connection due to heavy chemtrail spraying in the area, which is almost every day. I’m really strapped too, but I’ll try and throw in some extra this month I hope others will as well, and some that have never donated before.

This guy’s work is new to me. It may be that he’s covered Jan6 in a previous podcast. I like what the guy says in this episode and decided to share. Thanks for your comment.

"Amen" is the sun. Also called "Amen-Ra".

Both worthless pieces of human excrement.

Very good video! Once again the presenter is focusing on this phenomenon as a tool of the left which it is, as seen with antifa and blm. He is conveniently forgetting to mention the most famous case of planned spontaneity in recent times…. The Jan 6th phony fake show at the capital, engineered by the right. So this is an ignorant presenter or a tool of the establishment. The right stays silent while the left goes, then the left stays silent while the right goes. They are working together to screw everyone. As long as they keep you believing one side is good and the other isn’t they will win. Because the only way you will ever win is if you (both sides) put your differences aside and work together as one.

ps: Covid is a HOAX .


I really love latin cultures. They are so much more connected to each other than people in the US. rnI never knew what family was until I had a mexican girlfriend’s family basically take me as their son and treat me with the same welcoming and love as they would as if I was their blood.rnIt was then that I took a long hard look at my very white "christian" upbringing.

I wish I was rich, I would fund this site & server myself. rnThings are tight for me now days and not looking very good for the foreseeable future.rn rnMega props to you, Jason, for holding it all together and sacrificing what you have with the limited resources you have while also supporting a family. I thought for sure 153 wouldn’t have made it past February but here we still are. rnThanks brother.rnrn

In many ways I felt the same way as Jim about Trump before I did an about face. Early on it was Trump saying get the guns 1st and worry about due process later, but that was just the beginning of my awakening on Trump and since then there are too many egregious flaws about this man to be even considered for President of this country and is working hand in hand with those that want to see America destroyed, and I’m glad to see that Jim has become awakened to Trump’s many deceptions, Behind the scenes Trump is working to divide this country along with Biden.

idk if she’s a shill or not but she fine as hell. >.< haha