
cause fetzer is a shill and ignored trump run by israel since day 1 and was repeatedly called out for it, shit I got videos even documenting the fetzer failure

him and Wolfgang are complete trump shills and have always been, he’s been pushing pro trump ignoring israel from the beginning while others like myself were calling him out, telling him in comments, emails etc.....another reason why I’ve given up, if it took him this long to realize it.......ask yourselves WHY!!! SHILLS

fetzer is..........facepalming he’s ridiculous, this guy ughhhh....

I remember during covid, the stores that were able to operate were Amazon and Walmart. I remember them arresting a tattoo shop owner in North Carolina for trying to keep his small business going.

yes, I agree. Amazon is replacing just as much, I’m a very guilty enabler.

Corporate America was responsible for the decline of family owned businesss the covid vaccines and the total collapse of the economy.

That’s a very interesting observation. American malls predicting the future of the malls in this video.rnI recall one room neighborhood grocery stores, located in older neighborhoods. Usually corner stores, converted from large, late 19th century homes, where the owner and family lived upstairs. The name Popovich comes to mind, as I recall one particular store.

The mall near me used to have well over 100 stores, the last time I counted them there were 47, and of the stores that are open, many have signs that say reduced hours, it has been relegated to people who walk the mall for exercise and the Zap Zone with video games for the kids, the food court only has about three vendors, the covid shutdowns are the primary reason reason for all of this.

I get a kick out of Fetzer when he goes into his high pitched rant.

How sad, Thailand has become another America, they deserve better. The world would be better with flourishing mom-and-pop stores before Walmart Amazon, and fast food became king.

If you take a piece of paper and draw out the starting gates and ending gates it will help you out. You can see the sun moving gates throughout the seasons every morning. From my back porch in the morning the sun starts on the far left and as the season goes it moves further and further right every day. It does exactly what the book of Enoch describes.

I just read Enoch 72-80. That gives me more questions. Its too much for me to comprehend. At first I was hoping for 6 suns when it first mentioned the 6 gates but it only refers to the sun as singular.

Desperate to protect their underground bases from people who would go crazy if they found out the moon is a dead sun and there isn’t much time left before Jesus prophecy comes true. See Matthew 24:29

I was just clarifying my position the lesser of 2 evils won’t cut it anymore, it’s what has gotten us where we are today.

The college protests are an orchestrated PROBLEM-REACTION-SOLUTION to criminalizing any protests of whatever anti-semitism is. There is no other group in the world that plays the victim card like this group. It’s Checkmate. I see no way to correct the current system. I hope when I die I don’t reincarnate to come back to this fucked up place. Every generation, they seem to establish worsening conditions to enslavement.

The really sad part, mark my word, even with all you state as having happened in the last four years, they’ll still pretend against all common sense, that it’s a close race. In the ballpark of 49 vs 51 percent. So once again the election can be falsified and claimed to be a fair election.

As politicians used to ask, "Are you better off than four years ago?" That’s a rare question these days.

Can anyone cite anything good that has happened since the last election? Is there anything that you can proudly say ’I support that.’? Strange fires, train derailments, instigated college campus protests and military smash downs, military in the subways, millions of animal slaughters, insane farm prohibitions, cancel culture, insane green laws, Congress owned by a 1.5% demographic,..on and on. If you can’t criticize a group of people because of their actions, then they can do whatever they want, right? I bet they already have the new abridged New Testaments ready to go. Now free of any harsh reality.

It’s 2000 pages let’s hurry up and approve it so we can find out what’s in it how many times have you heard that one? Americans are as blind and enslaved now as they were then.

I’m talking about the people who don’t know what you just said. For them it’s a toss up. Me, I’m not voting. I only vote for local stuff that potentially saves me money