
Make that two thumbs down. MD stop attacking the truthers. You attacked me while I sat in prison, saying it was a psyop. Have you admitted you were wrong?

And yet we see no link to the video that supports Matty D claim the the JFK assassination was a hoax ???

The fact that Fetzer admits when he is wrong says a lot. He has flip flopped in the past. He gets a little gung-ho on a subject and later is willing to change his mind. If he was a shill I don’t think he would be a "no planer" on 911, that was a huge lie and cover up.................AS far as JFK I don’t think that 26 medical staff that testified about the baseball size hole in the back of JFK’s scull would be in on it and lie. The controllers didn’t have complete control back then like they do now. Not a shot fired at JFK? except for the one that hit the windshield frame from behind and the one that went through the windshield from the front and the one that injured James Tague and Governor Connally must have self inflicted his injuries somehow, I could go on and on.

Definitely. There is no way that she could be up there and spoke those things if she wasn’t allowed to do so.

And the thumbs down is all mine. Blanketing a shill tag on someone for 1 single point is ridiculous. If this was simply about this point, I wouldn’t have a problem with it.

Just because one person gets one thing wrong, you can’t toss the baby out with the bath water. About 8 years ago MattyD was one of the greatest enemies of I had never heard of him but there were countless videos of me being this fat bleep bleep and how there is no way could be built In a weekend and on and on. I honestly never listened to the videos but I saw this spiderman guy who was extremely loud going off. In the early days I probably had over 25k invested without ever asking for the outside peoples support. I have websites dedicated to discrediting me because I lead this wild group of rebels. My family has been attacked, my kids attacked, PayPals gone, bank accounts gone, servers gone. Month after month of barely scraping by is like the old saying a poorly funded startup is like a death by a thousand cuts. I am very close to calling this quits, the funding and those funding have said they are calling it quits. So as I get another cut and have to eat crap for another month I don’t see these types of videos as helpful for what I sacrificed 8 years of my life for. I always have asked others on this site to have respect for one another and to not attack their fellow people. I have had to reign with an iron fist for the life of this place simply so all you rebels wouldnt tear each others throats out. This is one of those throat cutting videos. Did Doc Fetzer screw up? Absolutely, he backed the father of the vaccines nearly to death. But what about the other half a million hours of research Doctor Fetzer has delivered. He is one of the most spunky 84 year old men I have ever encountered. Fetzer spent his life trying to give people the truth. If it would have been up to MattyD we would have been dead 8 years ago. And then we wouldnt ever had an opportunity to even discuss this now would we? So here we are at the end of our days, probably the last month as finances look. If people dont want to support then I will finally have some peace but until that time here I am attempting not to let you cutt throats kill each other off. I love you all or I would be here. I respect every single persons voice or I wouldnt be here. Lets stop trying to gut those we dont see eye to eye with.

Hang in there Matty. I love the rants btw, those are my favorite. bring em back! lol jkjk.rn

Matty, Bro... listen.. im with you, BUT.. Jim is an older gentlemen who, in that age, people tend to get set in their ways, you know how it is. You gotta allow for people to go through their processes to get to the truth. rnIf there’s no way for redemption, we are all doomed, are we not?

I’ve shared Peekay with many people. It’s hard to watch one of his videos and still believe the lie. For those who haven’t seen it: Some mention of Boston.rn

Brother, Youtube flushed them all down the memory hole. But I had lived in the Boston area for over 50 years when it happened. My brother and I did our own investigation based on the best videos and pictures available. We were completely consumed by the Hoax. My brother and I were able to discover the location of the video that captured the entire primary location fake bombing that was used by many, including Peekay and scores of others. It was the 2nd floor of a restaurant across the street. We hammered the vaunted community forum to the point they finally killed it. I posted pictures of amputee actor Mery Daniel, completely fine, after the fake bombing, via the restaurant video mentioned above, on her Facebook Page. It actually lasted a day before it was yanked. But I just wanted to send her a message that some of us knew what she was. I went to the gym where Tamerlan Tsarnaev trained because I knew a couple of fighters that trained there. They were scared shit to tell me anything. You could tell they had been threatened by the "authorities". So, so much more.

Not Boston but I think you will like this, I did a short segment of this on the first video I did here. New List of COVID-19 Lethal Injections back in 2022.

Gee, did they have objection to this guy poking people with needles ?


Please post a link to your original Boston stuff. I never tire of looking into that phony fake show.

I would of asked that myself, but MD says he doesn’t comment or respond to other people’s videos, he won’t even pass on health info regarding his workout routine and diet which he initially did in the beginning, hopefully he will make an exception and send the link that proves JFK assassination was a hoax, that would be earth shattering.

Trump is a muppet!!

Greg is the man !!!

Wolfgang is a good guy. He’s not a long time researcher. His first exposure to reality was Sandy Hook. I’m sure he naively believed Trump was a good guy.

Please link to the video you say JFK fakes his assassination. I’m not a Fetzer fan. He showed my original work on the Boston Bombing as his own.