
Running scared now !! If someone were to start digging there (not that anyone will, of course) I wonder what they would find? My opinion = Not a lot!

Bravo! Ain’t no time for debate. Let’s get this party started!

Bring on more music🎶! The Revolution starts here on 153! Let’s shout it from the mountain tops shall we?

You have to wonder just how much 💰 goes in the offering baskets to make a living in Sutherland Springs.

austin texas. its a private cemetery and cemetery law is strange . is it illegal to go there when the gate is open? good question. is it public or totally private? cemetery law in texas is convoluted at best. i think roznecki or whatever his name is, is behind this crap.

I made screen caps of your warnings. Over 2200 have viewed Sutherland thread to include your videos.

What I find very strange is how these pastors seem fine with being around that place. I mean sure it is a good place perhaps to go learn your trade, but then most I would think would move on to greener pastures. but pomeroy has been there 15 years. I mean who pays him and why does he stay? who pays collins at yorktown? yorktown is a fair piece down the road and that guy was there with bells on when this hoax started.

How about going by and taking pictures of people leaving riverside church one sunday morning? ha ha ha. suddenly the cops show up and ask what you are doing? yeh right. riverside church is main player in this i think. i wonder how many familiar faces would show up in those pictures? i bet more than one.

Fantastic. I would totally go to your show.

Wow ... power to you brother and sister. These stooges are just not trained to deal with the truth when it hits them in the face. Take care good people and thank you for this video.

See you at the next Texas HOAX. Get busy peeps! We’ve got investigations to go to!

At least for a few seconds the chump knew he wasn’t the Texas superstar he pretends to be and just another sellout useless piece of lying shit .

Yep , fake as F !

To the brim !

We are talking about the same thing right now , nationwide coverage , a real media network !

Hell yes , come on and the zip code even tells you where we are , 78666 !

We haven’t figured out which one yet ...

No , but it is located on the same FM 539 . The addresses do not match to any location we have ever visited . We will be getting the explanation from the source very soon , stay tuned ...

Side Thorn .

Bingo and exactly why we are going to get first hand clarification of this unconstitutional garbage .