
Excellent , thank you !

Michael Reszneki (paid demon) 2119 Michigan Avenue Unit B (rear) Los Angeles California 90033 . Drives a Chevy Cruze that his mommy bought for him .

Probably the concrete liners but definitely no coffins or bodies !

Dipshit central for sure !

The fact that their showing two different trains should be all anyone needs to see. They are showing two different trains in the picture. The only thing that’s perfectly clear is there’s more garbage coming out of the mouths of these people than there is on the ground.

Sorry about the wrong name, drillsNshills. Typed while thinking of something else. Really funny video

Laughed my ass off DickButt

Have u actually even looked into the subject. How about the recent solar eclipse. Many people recorded this event, then put the images into photo forensics programs. The moon did not appear to be in front of the sun b4, during or after the eclipse. Also images of the moon put thru 3d photo forensics, clearly show the moon as a flat surface. Do u really believe a plane flying north or south from the alleged equator is actually moving sideways at twice the speed as its moving forward? Otherwise it would end up a1,000 miles west for every hour flown.

Have u actually looked at the recent eclipse. How do u explain the shadow appearing at the top of the moon? How do u explain the illumination of the moon. The moon illuminates evenly across its surface when full. If the moon were truly spherical the sides or edges should be much darker than the center. The light should be reflecting at angles away from you coming from the edges, as it would be reflecting mostly back into space. How do u explain clouds moving west. It is claimed the air rotates with the earth, moving 100’s to over a 1,000mph to the east.

Let me ask you, how do those who believe in FE explain lunar eclipses?

Nice to see you again.

Never heard of that slimeball but I’m glad of that!

the lady in the memorial told me one of the musicians was shot and was paralyzed. i guess that is him in the wheel chair. faking it of course. what a dipshit

they are streaming again at sutherland springs.

Side Thorn put up my video on FB. And MR doing a instruction video how to remove it: Found it necessary to report this. How To Report Harassing Post On Facebook:

Michael Reszneki is his name. (Probably his sock accounts: VitriolVic, FEMADEATHCAMPCONTROL, Michael Bastas).

Yes, you staring at empty graves.

For the moment. Terror truck attacks is out of fashion (= Pushing the Autonum Vehicle Agenda).The latest NWO-fashion is Amtrak Train Derailment. They want to install the technology ’Positive Train Control’ on all trains.

They are a bunch of con men. They have no intention of "launching" that rocket looking structure up into the sky. My question is why in the hell did people donate to them? I heard that he was only going to launch up to a mile and a half into the sky. Are they really that stupid? That is almost 5,300 ft. Not nearly enough altitude to prove the "flat earth" theory.