

Thank you for uploading this. Please more, more, more!

Now that is an informative video unlike the bs sports video you posted.

I pray that people that see that ridiculous FakeX propaganda from yesterday will wake up and realize how ridiculous that green screen broadcast was, and start researching all of the NASA and FakeX propaganda!

Not sure how, but the person who left a comment on the woman in Florida was deleted while I was commenting back. Anyways, sorry, I didn’t delete your comment, but yes I recall her stating that the NASA rockets never went into space, but came back down

I’ve been following these FAKE shootings since Sandy Hook when the FAKE main stream press put up their photo-shopped demonic picture of fictitious Adam Lanza. What still staggers me is the breadth and depth of these psychological operations involving more and more people. What people will do to turn an easy buck.

Nice man! Your right we did! TY

It won’t let me change the title man! Every video I try to make them and I get this!

How bout some title man? Would help find things. Peace

Vinyl baby for sure! We saw this with that young couple at Aurora Batman Theater Hoax.

Any New Videos On The Way

I was just inquiring on the subject. Thanks for the info. There are certain events I want to get straight in my mind before I commit to FE or no FE. 👍

I may expand on it later, cause I have so much evidence on this hoax, but it was a total distraction at the time cause it pulled me off the DuPont video I’m working on. I just wanted to get this out ASAP because MOST people wouldn’t have had access to these early news reports and interviews because they weed out the videos they want on the internet to push their agenda and story. Unfortunately, I have to endure this crap on my TV (most of the time I just mute the damn thing), just so I can get their Fuq Ups before they are gone.

From the beginning they stated that there was an Engine in Front and one in the Back, so I never saw live footage of the Front Engine. So, I knew I couldn’t hold water just on that Twitter pic looking different than the Engine in the back located at the intersection. Do I think they had 2 different paint job schemes on this very important passenger train, guarded by helicopters and local police blocking every single road intersection? Hell No! But, the fact that they had every road crossing that track shut down was how the definitely staged it.

...jump to 13:00 minutes in...

I endorse Laurence Gardner, I do NOT endorse JZ Knight, who introduces this.

’s always good to quote your source! You are mirroring it from Brother Daryl, who mirrors it from UFOIMTC, who sourced it a ’Strange Stuff’

I’m glad someone put this compilation together. I did a lot of research and saw a lot of mobile videos from many people. This is how the rich get richer, and the dumb stay sheep.

Thanks Woodrow !

Great idea !