
I think he may have been trying to be legit at one time.. IDK.. But now.. its obvious when you let the fkn 3 letter guys in ALL your records just so you can have access to the big boy table. He appears to be the new goto guy.. Time will indeed tell.rnThanx for view man.

You have to have something in order to sell it. Oh wait nasa has sold us nothing for billions.

Musk looks fucking stoned.. Bawhahaha

Psycho eyes.


Utter shite fakery.

I am laughing at this pathetic video. Email her for a nude pic. Hope she sues your ass.

That waistline is off. This is wrong on so many levels if this is true.

Eric Dubay found a green screen glitch in the "live" feed of this. Whole hoax is busted, not that it wasn’t super obviously fake in the first place!

700 rounds in 11 minutes. ha ha ha ha ha

Skip to 06:08

You can tell it’s real boosh!t.

I think Elon is CGI . You can tell he is fake because he doesn’t look real.

When I first saw the car in space I laughed but then I realised it’s not funny because some people actually believe it and that’s scary.

We are truly a dumbed down society...we are in deep trouble.

Isn’t it beyond stupid that actually said that? Then admitting the car was never modified, and the list goes on! That car would have melted if th atmosphere reaches 2,000 kelvin as they claim! It’s freaking ridiculous why aeronautical engineers haven’t come unglued

Someone else changed the titles of my other videos. Hope they fix the issue.

I typed in title and description and once it uploads it goes back to this title and description

I try and every time it goes back to this title:(