
Truth does hurt !

"Hell" yes !!

In a second !

Thanks so much 2face , we hope someone one day finally does the right thing but after years of these hoax lies we won’t hold our breath .

Thanks Austin and we learn so much from your videos about these demons , without the hard work of people like you we could never put all the pieces together !

Yep , and we never were .

Right on sista !

She wasn’t there damn daughter! She belong to another relative, living in California! Another pomeroy, but some Mexican blood in her. Anyways, she ain’t dead! Probably back living with her crack whore mom in California

He kept saying “my professional capacity” like those were his given words to spew when you guys came in! He seems like a nice guy, but he should be ashamed of himself for pushing FRAUD, money laundering, terrorism, and treason! He is directly involved with this scam, and the money these fraudsters are raking in, and that’s criminal. No law makes that legal, period!

Is it just me or did he see more nervous as he kept talking? For a cop it seemed very unusual! I find it funny that he knows full well you didn’t do anything wrong! This was ridiculous complaint cause he can’t confirm that you were even on those stupid properties!

Pray that these people will see the light and turn back to God . We shouldn’t be fat and happy. Fat and happy? I much prefer HUNGRY AND PISSED OFF!

These events just prove how pathetic our citizens are. Willing to engage in a massive lie just so they can stay fat and happy eating out the Devil’s pot. Look at all these fat ass disgusting actors. They are all obese, whats up with that, even the pastor. This whole situation makes me sick to my stomach. I hope SidethornJournalist keeps up the good work.

I guess it can be as in Sany Hook that the people that participate in that shooting scam get a free house. This comment from Ratzneki Tampering4Lies indicate that: I could of uploaded the whole conversation we have had so far but it is not necessary. Michelle and I are now acquainted and getting to know each other (thanks to SideShow). She is actually from Southern California too and just moved to Texas. I got a guest room waiting for me whenever I go to visit (which will be soon). – JUST MOVED TO TEXAS – Just like Sandy Hook – a lot a people just move in to the town before the ’school shooting’ – Deep State Shill Being USED To Make "Conspiracy Theorist" Look "Bat Shit Crazy":

Thanks Greg McKenzie for pointing out wrong surname. (I was tired when I cut the video). I put up a new version.

Austin Texas: In this church they pray for witches and celebrate halloween.

Austin Texas: The "O" or Circle is the Mark of the Beast:

Austin Texas: ’Circle with a cross in it’. I don’t find the circle in the video. But let me guess why. The Circle is very important for Satanists. One link here. WHY YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT THE "MAGIC" CIRCLE...

Bill Carson (Guest): interesting discussion. not sure what to think at this point. i was looking at that quartered circle emblem he now has on the podium . what does that mean? circle with a cross in it? that girl that was supposedly his adopted daughter I guess, never disappeared in any of the videos. she is there up to the end. now where is she now? who knows . she may be a special needs girl and may not know what is really going on but nevertheless she is gone somewhere.

Austin Texas: I think it’s a high risk to show this girl in public. I see the worst-case scenario. She can be used as a sex slave for hire to customers. She can be forced to participate in Satanic Rituals. She even can be killed in a satanic ritual – remember no one looking for this girl. She is officially dead.

This is a new version because I put out wrong surname. So I put in the comment with answer again here. StagedWhirled: First off we need to stop calling them hoaxes or false flags, and call them what they are, criminal acts of fraud. Next you need to realize who is involved. That being every level of gov’t and the media. Even if you ran across this girl in public and tried to do something, you would likely be arrested or treated as crazy. She could easily be in any city and go unnoticed ( hiding in plain sight). Amongst the masses of fluoridated zombies. Apathetic, busy and uninterested in anything other than themselves. I told a guy at the store there was paint thinner in the cereal he was buying, he said it was alright it wasn’t for him, it was for his kids.